Aftermath ... again

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Things to remember
Y/N ~ Your Name
E/C ~ Eye Color
H/C ~ Hair Color
H/L ~ Hair Length
F/F ~Favorite Food
F/C ~ Favorite Color
F/A ~ Favorite Animal
F/AN ~ Favorite Anime
H/N ~ Hated Nickname
F/FL ~ Favorite Flower
F/D ~ Favorite Drink
I'll add more if I have too

Sorry for the typos, I was too lazy to go back and look for them all


... Oh fucking hell I hate Vodka ...

I pull away, holding my lips and staring at the porch floor.


"Y-Y/N..." Blush flushes all over our faces. Just the sound of his voice makes chills go through my body right now. I keeping looking at the porch floor. I grab the Vodka bottle and down the rest of it, getting up, wobbling a little. Emo...Dork...Ro'Meave...Zane...Whatever stands with me.

"Y/N wait..." He reaches out for my hand and I pull it away, running into the house. The musty air hits me in the face as Emo follows close behind.

I scan around and see Odyssey and Gene making out in the corner. Shit.
I look and see Sasha and Zenix going outside with Balto and another wolf with orange-reddish hair. Fuck.
I run to the kitchen as I hear Emo yelling my name. No Laurence or Pretty Boy. Dammit.
I run up the stares and turn a doorknob.


I turn another doorknob to the next room.


I knock on the bathroom door and someone yells get lost. Why.

I turn the last door and it opens. I open the door and slam the door shut again as Laurence and Pretty boy scream at me from his bed half naked. Well...shit.
The bathroom door opens as Emo runs up the stairs. I run into the bathroom and lock the door.

I slide down the door to the floor, Emo knocking on it. I hold my head and grip my hair. What is happening....? I get up and look in the mirror. Y/N stares back at me. Hi me. Our life fucking sucks ass.

"Y/N OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR!" Sasha yells drunkenly. I groan, holding my stomach.
I go to sit in the tub and wait, but find myself hovering over the toilet, getting sick.
I drop to the floor, holding my hair up.
"Why...." I sigh and get sick again.
I hate Vodka.

"Y/N!" Sasha bangs on the door. My eyes flare red.
"BUSY DYING!" I yell. Bad decision because I get sick...again. The music blares through my head as I touch my lips again.

Why am I not repulsed?
Why am I not disgusted?
Why am I not grabbing Emo and murdering his ass?
Why do I want to try and kiss him again.....?

I stand up, flushing and splashing my face with water. I look in the mirror. Hi me. I turn the door and walk out, no one there. I run down stairs and look around. The music blares. I run to the front door, walking out and running down the steps. I walk across the lawn and someone collides with me and we fall.
"Y/N!" Someone yells as I hold my head.
I look up and see Leggy on the grass, being helped up by the Ivy and her fellow bitches.

I looks behind me and see Sasha, Zenix and Gene behind me. Emo, Odyssey and Travis follow slowly behind. Sasha helps me up.
"YOU BITCH!" Leggy yells, slapping me across the face. I go to jump at her, but Zenix and Gene hold me back.
"I'M THE BITCH?! LET ME GO!" I rip my arms out of their grasp, walking away.
"COME BACK HERE!" Leggy runs after me. I turn around and my eyes glow white, she gets sent to the grass. My head spins. Woah....

I turn back around and walk home.

I open the front door and am yanked in by a hand. Terry stares at me, his eyes red and his nose flared with anger, he looked like a pissed off bull.
"Where were you?! Where is Travis?!" He yells into my face. I look at him, still feeling tipsy.

"Travis is with his friends, I was out." I answer blankly. He stares at me. Why is he staring at me?
He pulls my face closer, his grip digging into my arm.
"Let go of me!" I yank my arm and he grabs me back by my hair.

"ZANE! HELP!" I yell in surprise. WHAT THE FUCK?!
He glares at me.
"Your little 'Boyfriend' can't heat you! You worthless bitch!" He throws me, my body breaking the stair case railing as I fall. I feel dizzy, my vision blurs. I get up slowly, holding my head and then everything goes black and there's a loud 'WACK' sound. Ow....

3 days later ....

My eyes open slowly, the bright light of the room making me squeeze them shut. I open them slowly again, recognizing the walls. I'm in my room.
I blink a few times, trying to sit up, but my body sinks into the mattress of my bed.
I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.

"T.....T........T...r....a.....T......" I can't talk, my voice is scratchy and is dry, barely any sound is coming out of me.
"Y/N...." I hear someone say. They walk into my felid of view.

My eyes widen as I force myself to sit up, groaning in LOTS of pain.
"Z.......Z......a.......Z....a....n...." He sits on my bed near me.
"Don't talk, you'll hurt yourself more..." He sighs.

I glare at him. Why is he here? Where's Travis? Where's Terry? Just....what the hell is going on?!

"T.....r.....a.....v....v.....i.....-" I try to speak.
"He's ok, he went with Laurence to get you some more medical stuff." He bites his lip.

"Just a few...hours"
I glare at his lie.
"2 days...."
My eyes widen. It's Sunday?!?! Emo's eyes widen to mine.
"Hey it's ok!" -He takes my hand- "It's ok, Terry left again..."
I pull my hand away slowly, as forcefully as I can. Emo blushes, as I look away from him.

He rolls his eye(s), standing up.
"Y/N, listen to me! You kissed me! We kissed! We've been hanging out for awhile now and I......I really like you! I really like you and no matter what I do....the feeling doesn't go away! So I'm asking you this Y/N! Are you going to make up your mind on how you feel or just drunkenly kiss me and move on?"

We stare at each other in silence. Just dead silence. I see paper and pen next to me, I grab it and write slowly as my hand cramps up. I hold up the paper.
Keep your mouth shut about the party, you have a death wish if you don't
Get out of my house
"Fine...I'm gone...but you can't bottle anything up forever." He walks away, as I hear the door open and the slam closed downstairs.

What am I going to do.....?! I'm alive?! I'm still here?!
Lol yes I am, sorry about all the late updates and not being active! I hate not being active here cause Wattpad was my second home for such a long time.

So I'll hopefully be back regularly soon!

Love, Kitty 💜💜

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