Chapter 5: A Note

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I was about to walk to a free table i saw when suddenly Eric grabbed my arm and pulled me the other way.

"Okay! Geez we’ll sit wherever you want." I said as i let myself be pulled.

"For once, act cool okay?" Eric whispered and forcefully made me sit on one side of the booth.

I looked at him wondering what he meant until he moved to sit on the other side of the booth that i saw Bria sitting opposite from me at the booth next to us.

My eyes turned to saucers. I immediately grabbed the menu on the table and covered my face with it.

"You are not acting cool by the way." Eric laughed and called a waitress to our table.

"I hate you i swear! I’ll make sure to murder you one day!" I hissed as i moved my head to take a peek and make sure Bria didn’t notice me.

It was a bad idea.

The moment i looked her direction, i saw her looking at me smiling.

If its possible, my eyes widened even more. I whipped my head and turned my attention to the menu, partly hiding my red tinted cheeks.

Thankfully before i did something even more stupid, a waitress arrived and got our orders.

The whole time i couldn’t help but steal glances at the enchanting person about a meter away from me. Every time i take a bite i look at her for a split second and do it again! God what is wrong with me?

"Ehem. I’m still here you know. Mind glancing at me too?" Eric smirked, obviously noticing my apparent stalker moves.

"Sssshhh! Are you crazy?! She might hear you!" I hissed while ducking a little.

Eric laughed and shook his head.

"Oh dear pixie...if you would just look at her for more than a second, you’d know she already did."

I looked at him curiously and moved my sight to Bria, discreetly trying to look at her longer. Sure enough while she was talking to her parents, her eyes shifted to me. Our eyes met for a whole second and believe it or not, she was the one who broke it! I swear her cheeks grew a little red. Its barely there but i noticed it.

Did she just...blush?

"Holy! Christina she just blushed! Did you see that?!" Eric immediately ducked closer to me and quietly screamed, his eyes wide from what he just witnessed.

I was about to respond but i saw Bria stand up from my peripheral vision and go out of the restaurant together with her parents and a guy. Wait a minute. Who is that guy? I didn’t notice the guy before. Is he...are they together?

I frowned. Of course why would she be single? I mean she’s so perfect. I doubt any guy or girl for that matter would pass on the opportunity to be with her.

I suddenly lost my appetite. I didn’t even realize i stopped moving and was simply staring at my fork.


"Don’t tell me you miss her already, Grimmie. She just left!" I teased and chuckled.

I was about to tease Christina again but i stopped as soon as i saw the hurt puppy look she had. She didn’t even react just a little bit. She’s just sitting there staring at her food.

I looked at her with concern and was about to speak again until a waitress came.

"Excuse me, Christina?" She was one of Christina’s waitress friends. She was holding a tray that had a slice of chocolate cake.

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