chapter forty two

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The doubts that John held over your truth vanished as soon as the CD player flickered on. He had heard your blood-curdling roar once before, but that didn't stop him from flinching. It scared John to the core seeing you transform into the monster "We'll Meet Again" made you become.

Memories of the river bank rushed through his mind as you flung yourself towards him, aiming for his midsection. John was quick to dodge your attack; he gripped your waist at the last minute, throwing you off to his side and on to the rough carpet of the ranch's living room.

As you tumbled forward, terribly off balance, you collided into an expensive-seeming lamp that sat comfortably on a side table next to the CD player. The light source cracked as it clattered against the hardwood floor, breaking it in half. The radio tumbled along with it, but the song failed to fizzle out of existence.

Another animal-like cry erupted as you grasped the jagged porcelain, scrambling to get on your feet in eagerness to use your new weapon. John eyed the dangerous glass carefully, taking a few steps back as a precaution.

The two of you circled each other, John's hands raised while you lifted the lamp as if it were a knife. However, the man knew that he had the advantage here. He realized now that you were one of Jacob's deranged soldiers, and while that came with the help of rage and strength.... You were lacking in logic and common sense.

You charged, damned fast. So fast that John nearly missed seeing it. His body seemed to react on its own, without a second thought. He slid to his right, opposite to the direction he had been circling as you rushed him.

You stumbled by him just as you did before, desperately planting your feet into the ground in an attempt to skid to a stop. John swept his left foot backwards, reversing your fall in the act. You immediately collided on to your back, your spine now pulsating in pain.

The Baptist took your moment of suffering as a golden opportunity, his frantic blue eyes scanning the floor for the rattled CD player. There was no hesitation as he sent his boot smashing against the radio time and time again, not stopping until the cursed song was sucked out of the air.

A sudden tranquility filled the room; the sound of his panting and hoarse breathing met his ears, along with the faint noise of crying. John turned to you in shock, witnessing the redness of anger drain from your face and becoming replaced with the fearful knowledge of your rampage.

"(Y/n)," the name fumbled from his lips like a sob as he rushed towards you, having to stop himself from collapsing over your body. You were now weeping uncontrollably into your hands, your shoulders racking, "Am I here?"

The fear and dread lacing through your tone made John's heart shatter, and he pulled you up into a sitting position to embrace you. "Oh, God," you cried as you smothered your face in John's ruined dress shirt, knotting the fabric into your fists, "Am I here?"

"Yes, you're here," John reassured quickly, "You're okay." He pulled you tighter against his body as you wept, shivering at the growing dampness on his chest from your tears. "I got you. You're safe," the man consoles, pressing various kisses into the roots of your hair.

Your sobs soon descended into small sniffles, and your lungs hitched less frequently for more air. "You were right," he mumbled into the quiet surroundings, his stubbornness and pride deteriorating before his very eyes, "My God, you were right."

You slowly unlatched John's shirt and stretched out your fingers, pulling away from his embrace to gaze up at him with swollen red hues. "I had no idea Jacob was capable of this. I-I mean, I knew his purpose but I..." The sentence trails off as the Baptist fails to come up with a justification for his brother.

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