chapter twenty five

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It had been two hours since John left to run his errands for the day, and you were definitely making yourself busy. You went out of your way to prepare for John coming home to a nice and cozy ranch. Planting your hands on your hips, you gaze around at the kitchen and smile at what you've set up.

You glance at the grandfather clock standing tall in the corner. John should be home any minute now, and the thought made you almost giddy with excitement. You couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he sees what you've done.

You enter the living room and nestle into the couch, stopping when you feel something hard in your back pocket. Knitting your eyebrows in confusion, you reach into your jeans and pull out the unknown object. John's pocket knife stared back at you, its beautiful designed handle fitting snugly in your hand.

You let out a laugh as you remember John's strong arms around your lower back, and when one of his hands drifted down to your back pocket for a short moment. He was giving you that knife, whether you accepted his offer or not. He was stubborn like that. You smiled, tucking the blade back into your jeans. Your head perks up to glance towards the window, the rumble of a truck engine meeting your ears.

John was home.

You stand up from the couch with a huge grin, rushing towards the front door to greet the Baptist. You swing it open, a sharp yelp of surprise escaping you when the dead body of a follower lands at your feet. You tumble backwards, your elbows banging against the floor as you struggled to catch yourself.

An arrow was pierced through his head, and you assumed his body was slumped against the oak wood door based on the bright red streak of blood smeared on it. You scrambled away from the corpse, your heart pounding in your ears.

"Deputy?" A familiar deep voice rings out, and your eyes grow wide as Pastor Jerome rounds the corner with a shotgun in his hand. "My God," he rushes to you, shock covering his expression as he helps you to your feet, "What are you doing here? We thought you were in the bunker this whole time!"

"The bunker?" Your voice is weak, and your knees wobble once you're standing. "When you got captured at Sunrise Farm? Deputy, we haven't been able to rest since we heard about that," Jerome places a firm hand on your shoulder, his tone filled with concern.

"We?" You wheeze. The man hums proudly, glancing behind his shoulder to see Jess Black entering the doorway, "Silent attacks aren't my strong suit, but your friend here is brilliant when it comes to stealth." The Master Huntress smiles softly at you, tucking her bow securely on her back, "Hey, Dep." Well, that explains the arrow in the follower's forehead... And their ability to wipe out the entire ranch's security undetected.

Mary May pokes her head through the door, her nose scrunched in disgust as she steps over the dead follower in the doorway. Her eyes light up in surprise when they land on you, "Ho-ly shit, Deputy. Was not expecting you, of all people, to be standin' alive in John Seed's ranch."

She approaches you and Jerome, placing a comforting hand on his back, "Jerome here has been prayin' day and night for you to be alright. He feels guilty about the whole thing, really." You manage to show a grateful smile.

"We were hoping John would be here so that we could get that damned key, but I suppose things don't always turn out the way you plan. God finds a way," the pastor chuckles, nodding to the bartender who shared a grin with him, "It was a shot in the dark, but we couldn't let you rot in that bunker any longer."

"Well, she sure don't look like she's been rottin'," Mary May crossed her arms against her chest, your eyes scanning up and down your body with pursed lips. "I uh," you glance down at yourself, realizing how healthy you looked compared to the sinners that resided in the bunker, "I can explain."

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