the end

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As soon as the dreaded words leave his lips, the ground rumbles beneath the two of you. Getting thrown off balance, you stumble until John steadies you from where he sat near the bed.

"Fuck, you weren't kidding," you murmur as you try to swallow the fear that squeezed at your heart. "We don't have much time," the Baptist surprises you with a strong and steady tone, getting to his feet in a flash and scrambling to collect his trench coat from the hanger in his closet.

"We're just going to leave?!" You cry out, watching him with a panicked look in your eye. You knew that the bunker was each Seed sibling's escape from the Collapse, but deep down you never really accepted that it would ever come.

"Well, we can't stay here!" He exclaims, having to yell over the ungodly noises of the trees outside the bedroom windows, groaning in pain as the fire tackles them to the ground. You take one look around at your silky bedsheets and linen drapes, feeling too attached to abandon it all, "But what about our stuff?"

"We'll have everything we need at the bunker," John brushes past you to open the bedroom door, glancing behind his shoulder to shoot you a disapproving look, "This is no time for your greed, (Y/n)."

Well, it wasn't your fault that John spoiled you. He still held the door open while you pouted, raising his eyebrows at you expectantly. Even with the world ending outside your window, you wanted nothing more than to curl into a tight ball underneath the covers of your bed.

"John-" You started to croak, on the verge of uttering the words that you were scared. With the threat of tears creeping up your throat, you decide to cut your cry for help short. It was too late, though. John knew you were terrified; he could tell by the panic in your eyes and the crack in your voice.

His impatient scowl now softened into a frown. "I know, darling," the Baptist steps towards you to press a kiss to your forehead, cradling the back of your neck, "But you have no reason to fear so long as you follow me and do as I say, okay?"

You nod compliantly, and John almost sighs in relief. Grabbing ahold of your hand, he leads you out of the bedroom and down the stairs, "Just stay calm for me." The order sounded simple enough, that is until he opened the front door and the wave of heat knocked the air out of your lungs.

A wretched yelp escaped you out of pure instinct; it was your body's way of reacting to the true horror that was at your front door step. It was as if the Devil himself had taken Hell into his arms and carried it all the way up to the living world.

"Here," John frantically searches his pockets for his handkerchief, wrapping around your mouth and nose before tying it securely, "To help you breathe."

"What about you?" Your hand clamps tighter around his, forgetting about his previous advice. "Just trust me," the Baptist snapped, his tone more rigid than intended.

Suddenly, a loud groan arose from above the two of you. You gasped when your eyes met the flames that were now lapping at the roof of the front porch, causing the supports to begin to give out.


You didn't question the command as John practically yanked you off of the wooden porch. You were sprinting along side of him, headed straight for his black Mustang. The sound of your feet crunching into the gravel driveway pounded against your eardrums, and you thanked God that it was louder than the flames.

You barely have time to close the passenger side door before John takes off down the driveway, dodging fallen trees and fleeing animals as he tried to make it to the main road. You turned around in your seat just in time to watch the first wooden beam of the ranch's front porch fall to the surrounding, engulfing flames.

Black Horse (John Seed x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now