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"Stay still," you growl through clenched teeth, fighting to get the last button through the little girl's shirt. She fights against you, a little pout in her high-pitched tone, "But, I want to go outside!"

"I know you're excited, precious, but we can't go until D-" You explain, checking your stern disposition and replacing it with a more gentle touch. You were cut off by the abrupt opening of the nursery's bedroom door, and the silhouette of your husband stood in the frame.

You would think that in the seven years that have past underground with no sunlight and little freedom, John's broad shoulders and toned chest would've faded without proper exercise. However, his gruff and demeaning presence was still as strong as ever, his chin held high with pride and his ever-present smirk laced to his lips. In fact, nothing about him had changed appearance-wise minus the grey hairs that were starting to emerge more frequently in his beard and neatly trimmed hair.

"Daddy!" The little girl shrieked with joy, escaping your grasp and fleeing to her father with a half-buttoned dress. "Hello~, my little angel!" With a coo, John immediately breaks into a wide-toothed grin at the sight of her.

You watch with an admiring smile as John kneels to the ground, allowing the little girl to jump into his arms and get launched into the air by her father's strong arms. She giggles at the lurch of her stomach as he tosses her lightly into the air, but for her, it seemed like a mile high.

Seeing this interaction made your heart flutter, and you were once again reminded of how fitting her name truly was. Abigail Seed; a biblical name that translates to 'the father's joy'.

"We missed you!" She exclaims, reaching out a finger and tapping his nose once John had situated her on his left hip. She then adds with a sort of scold and glare, "Where were you?" The Baptist chuckles at her try of intimidation, "Daddy had some work to finish up, but he's here now."

Your husband's attention then turned to you, watching intently as you struggled to get to your feet. Placing one hand on the bed and the other on your swelled stomach, you exhaled with exasperation and heaved yourself to stand.

John was by your side in an instant, offering his hand to help. Your eyes flickered up to meet his, and you weren't surprised to find them full of concern. "I'm fine," you mutter with a soft voice, brushing his hand away.

He wasn't used to you accepting his help anyway, but there was a side of John that appeared after you had first gotten pregnant with Abigail. The Baptist was always protective of you before, but this kind of protectiveness was different.

When you first arrived in the bunker, it took you almost a year to get pregnant. After the first time ending with complete depression, John made sure that everything went right. He brought in a trained doctor to check up on you regularly, put you in bed rest when you were only in your second trimester, and regulated your meal portions and cravings.

He drove you crazy 99% of the time, but you knew that it was all worth it when you saw the look on his face after he held his newborn baby daughter for the first time. It was like he was in love all over again, and you could say the same for yourself.

"Are you ready?"

The familiar voice shook you from your memories, and you snapped your head to the source of the sound to find John still holding Abigail, waiting patiently by the open door. The little girl played with the buttons on his waistcoat, paying little attention to anything else. The Baptist must've moved your suitcases while you were busy daydreaming because you could already see the pile of luggage by the hallway entrance.

You beam them both a smile, looking over them admiringly before answering, "More than you'll ever know." You join them by the doorframe, and Abigail immediately reaches out for you to hold her hand.

"My sweet girls," John sighs with contentment, kissing both you and your daughter's cheek individually. "You're forgetting something," you place your free palm over your swelled stomach, rubbing it in recognition.

"Oh, my sincerest apologies," John bends down slightly, his voice now in a whisper, "My sweet girls and boy." You shiver in delight when he presses a loving kiss to your belly, and Abigail follows suit shortly after. You twist a strand of her hair around your finger, taking a mental picture of her precious smile for you to keep.

"Come on," John tugs towards the end of the corridor, dragging your suitcases along with him. You took one last glance around at the three doors that held your life for the past seven years and spoke a mental goodbye to each of them.

Your family slowly made their way to the bottom of the stairs at which each of you turned around to view the now empty bunker. John swelled with a sense of pride as he overlooked the place, remembering all of his followers that once crowded its insides.

It was time to climb the stairs now and enter the new world that awaited you and your family. You gazed at your husband one last time, astonished at the fact that family had managed to change him for the better. Your hand found his like an instinct, and his ever-present smirk mirrored on to your lips.

"Let's go begin again."

YOU HAD A BABY!! AND YOURE GONNA HAVE ANOTHER ONE SOON!!! ugh this makes my heart happy to end this book on a pleasant note. i'm going to miss writing this book so much, but i will keep the memories of me brainstorming ideas to some friends over discord forever. the comments and likes have meant more to me than you will ever know!! you guys are honestly some of the sweetest people, and i love you all so much for sending me so much joy and love. thank you for reading, i hope you had as much fun as i did. <3

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