Chapter 2

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Hearing a car door slam shut, my head shot up. I quickly set my book aside, standing from my seat and making my way to the front door. It opened before I could get there, Freya entering. I was quick to wrap my arms around her. "Freya, I'm so happy to see you."

"It's good to see you, too. Although I must admit, it's weird seeing you without the pregnant belly." I let out a chuckle, pulling away from her.

"Sweet reunion, but could you maybe let me in? I'd like a drink," Kol spoke up from the other side of the door.

"Come in, Kol," I invited, and he took a slow step forward, entering the house. I wrapped my arms around him, "believe it or not, but I've missed you, too." He slowly wrapped his arms around me, returning the hug.

"Now, about that drink?"

"There's wine and bourbon down in the cellar. We don't like to keep it in the main areas of the house because of the kids," I explained. "The door is off the kitchen." He headed off in that direction and I turned back to see Elijah and Rebekah standing in the doorway. "Come in, both of you." Rebekah smiled, immediately wrapping me in a hug.

"Oh, I've missed you so much!" Rebekah stated, holding onto me tight.

"I missed you, too. I told you we'd get things figured out. We always do."

"And where exactly is this nephew of mine?" she asked, pulling away and looking around.

"He's upstairs, asleep. But you should know, he's not alone." Rebekah's eyebrows furrowed for a moment before widening with realization. She moved past me to go up the stairs, but I quickly grabbed onto her hand. "Oh, 'Bekah, please don't wake them."

"I won't. I just want to see them." I nodded slightly, letting go of her hand. Turning back around, I sent Elijah a smile.


"Elijah." Stepping forward, I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for you and Hayley," he replied, taking a step back.

"We couldn't just give up; we had to save our family. Granted, it did take longer than either of us wanted."

Elijah chuckled, "well, thank you for not giving up." Footsteps on the front porch caught my attention and I turned my head, seeing Hayley. My eyes moved over her shoulder, locking onto the one person I had been looking forward to seeing the most.

"Are you going to stand there staring or are you going to invite me in?" Nik asked, and I slowly nodded.

"Come in." As soon as he stepped through the door, I launched myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "You're okay. I'm so glad you're okay." I pulled away to look up at him. "Look at your hair; it's gotten so long," I whispered, running my fingers through the curls on the side of his head. Nik brought a hand up, wiping a tear from my cheek with his thumb.

"You're even more beautiful than I remembered."

"If you think I'm beautiful, wait until you see your children."

"Can I see them?" I looked over at Hayley, who nodded her head.

"Come on." Grabbing onto Nik's hand, I pulled him up the stairs, leading him down the hall to Finn and Delilah's shared room. I slowly opened the door, taking a step inside. Finn was in his bed, his favorite stuffed dinosaur tucked under his arm. Delilah was on the other side of the room, in her princess-themed bed. Both were sound asleep. "Nik, this is your son: Henry Finn Mikaelson, though he prefers to be called Finn. And your other daughter: Delilah Jane Mikaelson," I revealed, looking up at him.

"Twins?" He asked, his eyes moving over to me.

"I guess the doctor missed the second baby in the ultrasounds. She came as quite the surprise." Nik's eyes moved back over to the children. "Hope is just next door. Why don't I give you a moment?" Nik nodded slightly, and I pressed a kiss to his cheek before moving around him to go down the hall to my own room. I changed into my pajamas, then sat on the bed, waiting for Nik. He came into the room twenty minutes later, quietly shutting the door behind him. "I was starting to think you were going to stare at those children all night," I joked, now lying in bed.

"I just wanted to look at them a little while longer," he muttered, stripping his clothes off.

"I told you they were beautiful," I replied, turning onto my side as he climbed into the bed.

"I never doubted you, kitten. But you know what I think we should do?" Nik asked, pulling me onto his lap so I was straddling him.

"What should we do?"

"I think we should make more beautiful children."

"You already have three beautiful children. You really want more?" Nik nodded his head. "I may be able to handle that. But you'll have to be around. No more risking your life to save your family. My children need their father. Hope needs her father. And I'm not going to let any future children be without their father. And you definitely need to be there for the birth. I don't want to give birth in the bayou with a woman I hardly know helping deliver the baby."

Nik's eyebrows furrowed, "is that what happened?"

I nodded my head, playing with the chain around his neck, "we were on our way out of town when my water broke. It wasn't safe to go back into the city, so Hayley took me to the bayou and Mary helped with the delivery."

"I'm so sorry; for everything. I wish I had been there for it. I wish I had been there, not just for you, but for our children."

"Well, you're here now and that's all I care about. You can finally be a father to your children." Nik leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine. I pulled away slightly, lifting my shirt over my head and throwing it off to the side.

"You found it," Nik commented, his eyes on the ring that hung on the chain around my neck.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. It was with that letter you left in my purse. It didn't feel right wearing it on my hand since you hadn't actually proposed, but I wanted to keep it close."

"Well, then. Why don't we change that?" My eyebrows furrowed as Nik reached up, undoing the clasp on the chain. He pulled the ring from the chain, holding it up to me. "Elizabeth Sawyer, will you marry me?"

A smile made its way onto my face and I nodded, "absolutely."

So, this is a picture of Ellie's engagement ring with the wedding band included (the band is the bottom one)

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So, this is a picture of Ellie's engagement ring with the wedding band included (the band is the bottom one). I tried to find a picture of just the engagement ring, but couldn't find one, so you get both :)

I'm so sorry for posting so late. I was at work all day and it was kind of a long one and then I got home and just sat on the couch and almost forgot completely.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm really excited for you guys to read this book, so I've changed the update schedule. I will be posting every Monday and Friday :)

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2018.

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