Chapter 17

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"Where's dad?" Finn asked, his eyes wandering through the crowd around us.

"He'll be here soon," I reassured. "He's just waiting on Ivy to help him with the astral projection."

"And everyone else?" Hope added.

"Marcel should be here. Vincent. There's Josh," Freya replied, spotting him down the street.

"What about Declan?" My eyes moved over to Freya, who let out a sigh. "Please tell me someone told Declan."

"He's in Ireland. I was so focused on everyone else."

"Oh my god, Freya."

"I'll fix it." The band in front of us began to play, moving forward. We had only gone a few blocks when I noticed Hope's face fill with disappointment.

"This is all wrong," Hope declared. "She didn't even know all these people."

"Your mom made a mark on this city," Freya affirmed. "Everyone's here to honor her."

"But where are all of her friends?" Freya's phone began to vibrate, and she took a step away to answer it. Two black vans suddenly cut off the precession, the back doors open. Josh went over to one, pulling a dark curtain to the side. One of the men inside pulled out a crossbow and wooden stakes.

I pushed the twins behind me, my eyes darting over to Hope, who had gotten ahead of us, "Hope. We've got to get out of here."

"No," Hope argued.


"I said no. This already sucks enough. I'm not gonna let them ruin it more." Hope used her magic to push me out of her way as she moved toward the other can, chanting a spell. The van suddenly exploded in flames and she turned to face the other van. The men inside lifted their weapons, pointing them at Hope. She lifted her hands, starting to chant the spell again and my eyes widened. Just as one of the men fired his weapon, I grabbed Hope, running off with her.


"As soon as this is over, we'll have to go, so make sure you say goodbye to Auntie Freya," I advised the twins as we made our way down to the dock. They both nodded, and we came to a stop next to Freya and Hope.

Hope looked over at us, her eyes moving past my shoulder briefly, "Freya." I followed her gaze, seeing Keelin make her way through the crowd of wolves. I turned back to look at Hope.

"You know, when you were a baby, I made a promise to your mother," I announced, grabbing onto Hope's hand. "To protect you, love you, and treat you as I would my own child. To this day, I have done everything I can to keep that promise. And even though she's gone, I will uphold that promise to you. Always and forever." Hope sent me a smile and I reached up, wiping a stray tear from her cheek.

Freya moved to stand in front of the crowd, facing them, "people will forget the things you said, forget the things you did, but no one ever forgets the way you made them feel. Hayley Marshall made me feel like I was part of a family. And when the realities of this life became too much to bear, we shouldered them together. We laughed, we cried. When I failed, she lifted me up. And when I succeeded, she danced by my side. And she did that for all of us. No one will ever be able to replace her or heal the pain we feel at their loss. But we can honor her with our actions and with our words. We can love each other the way she would've wanted us to love." Lisina placed her torch on the boat, setting it on fire as it was pushed out into the water.

"Goodbye, mom," Hope whispered, and I gave her hand a squeeze. My attention was caught by Nik, who came to a stop on the other side of Hope.

"Nik, what are you doing? You can't be here," I murmured.

"Yes, I can," he countered, his eyes moving to Hope. "Just for a moment. Our family has infinite struggles ahead, but right now, I need to be here with my daughter."

Thunder and lightning crackled through the sky and I turned to look at Finn and Delilah, "it's time for us to go." The twins made their way over to Freya saying goodbye as I pressed a kiss to Hope's forehead before moving over to Nik, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "I'll be back in a few days. Don't stay too long." 

Hey, I actually remembered to update!

Things are gonna be so busy for me for the next few days before Thanksgiving break. The amount of things I have to do is insane!

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2018.   

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