Chapter 8

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"Where's Nik?" I asked, seeing Freya and Hayley leaning over a small table.

"He went with Rebekah and Kol to destroy the last of the rosebush," Hayley announced. I nodded slightly, moving closer.

"How are the twins?" Freya asked.

"They're confused. They don't understand what's going on with Elijah and why everyone is so worried." My eyes moved to the objects on the table then to the circle on the floor. "What are you guys doing?"

"We have to find Elijah and fix his mind before we can fix the pendant," Freya declared.

"You actually think you can pull this off?"

"I don't know. I've never actually tried this before."

"Freya, there are a thousand years of memories in there. How will you know which is the right one?" Hayley questioned as Freya moved to the circle on the floor.

"He'll recognize me. If I can find the core of his being or whatever memory he's clinging to, I'll pull him out." Freya laid down in the middle of the circle, chanting the incantation. I glanced over at Hayley as Freya went quiet. An hour passed with no change until Freya suddenly sat up with a gasp.

"Freya, what's wrong?"

"I thought I found him, but he just vanished right in front of me," Freya revealed as I helped her stand. "That's not our only problem. I can't search Elijah's mind and sustain a spell at the same time."

"What if you sent me in?" Hayley suggested.

"That would require more power."

"You stay here and anchor the spell. He'll respond to me. Send me in, Freya, I can find him. Nobody's closer to Elijah than I am."

"To place you in the pendant, I would need to channel another witch. A powerful one. Born of my family's bloodline."

"What about two witches?" Both Hayley and Freya looked over at me.

"No," I stated, shaking my head. "The twins are too young for something like this. I don't want them involved in it."

"They're young, but they're strong. Especially together. I would never hurt them, ever. You know that," Freya reassured.

I hesitated before slowly nodding my head, "I'll go get them."


"You guys don't have to do this if you don't want to," I muttered, looking between Finn and Delilah.

"We're not afraid, Mommy," Delilah reassured me. I let out a sigh, nodding my head.

"Ready?" Freya asked, and the twins nodded, following her over to the table.

"So, he's just in there somewhere, clinging to broken memories?" Hayley asked, standing in the middle of the circle.

"The core of his being has retreated deep into his subconscious, but, yes, he's still in there." I handed Hayley a wooden bowl and she bit into her wrist, letting the blood drip into it.

"And I just search until I find him?"

"You don't have time. There are too many memories for you to randomly search," Freya revealed, coming over to take the bowl. "You have to think, where would Elijah find refuge? It has to be somewhere that represents the fundamental basis of who he is."

"Hopefully, that's a good place," I muttered, looking between Freya and Hayley.

"When you find it, draw him out and wake him up. But be careful, his mind is unstable." Hayley nodded, laying down in the middle of the circle.

"Mom?" Hope spoke up from her spot on the couch. "Be careful."

"I'll be right back, sweetie," Hayley reassured.

I turned toward the twins, crouching down to their level, "okay. Just do what Mommy taught you. Hold hands, close your eyes, and focus on the spell." The twins nodded, and I placed a kiss on both of their foreheads before looking up at Freya. She grabbed onto Delilah's hand as Delilah grabbed onto Finn's. Freya started to chant the incantation, the twins slowly starting to repeat her words. As Freya and the twins continued to do the spell, Hayley's body began to spasm. Hope jumped from her spot on the couch and ran over to Hayley. "Hope, stop!"

"Aunt Freya, please do something!" Hope yelled. Freya continued the spell as Hope attempted to wake Hayley. The candles around the outside of the circle went out and Freya moved toward Hope.

"Hope, if we don't maintain the spell, we could lose her in there," Freya stated, crouched down in front of the little girl.

"Let me help. I can save her!"

"Now, listen, I need you to trust me. This is what we're going to do. I'm gonna put you inside the pendant. When you're in there, I need you to call out to your mom. Okay?" Hope nodded. "Now, when you're in the hallway, do not open any doors. Do you understand?" Freya brought Hope into the circle and had her lay down next to Hayley.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked as Freya moved back over to the twins.

"I guess we'll find out." Freya continued the spell and a few minutes later, Hope woke, letting Freya know it was okay to fix the pendant.

I pulled Hope closer to me, "you did great, kiddo." Hayley let out a gasp, sitting up.

"Mommy!" Hope yelled, running over to hug her mom. Moving over to the twins, I pulled them both into a hug.

"You guys did such a good job. I'm so proud of you," I whispered to them.

Things are happening in the next chapter. Can anyone guess what it is?

Hope all is well for everyone :)

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2018.

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