Chapter 12

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Rebekah and Kol came down the stairs, Elijah and Nik following shortly after. "Where are the twins?" Nik asked, coming to a stop next to me.

"In the car, all packed up and ready to go once this is over," I replied as he stared over at Hope, who was unconscious in Hayley's arms. "I wish you didn't have to do this."

Nik let out a sigh, "me too."

"Kol, if you would, right there," Vincent spoke up, directing the youngest Mikaelson to his place. "Rebekah, perfect. Right there."

"What the hell are you doing here?" Rebekah questioned, and I moved my eyes over to Marcel, who had just walked in. "You come to gloat?"

"No, I came to make sure that this works," Marcel retorted.

"Elijah, I need you right there at the top," Vincent rejoined. "Klaus, right there for me, please. And we are ready." The room was quiet. "I just want to say that what you guys are doing here today is gonna go a long way towards setting things right in this city. The Hollow took everything away from me. It inspired nothing but suffering and torment. Its ruined families, its gone after little kids. And yet, here and now, despite all of our differences, and there are many, thank you." Nik nodded slightly. "Freya," Vincent called, holding a hand out. She moved to stand next to him, grabbing onto his hand.

"The savage Mikaelsons heroically defeating a terrible evil. Maybe this will finally earn us our redemption," Rebekah spoke up.

"Do any of us really believe that?" Nik asked, looking between his siblings.

"Not for a second," Elijah replied, and my eyes filled with tears. "It's a wonderful sentiment."

"Hayley, when I tell you to, I want you to take the manacles off," Vincent told her. "Hold onto Hope. Do not let her go. Everybody else, when this spell is over, you got to get away from each other, and you have to stay away from Hope." Vincent began the spell, the lights around us flickering as the wind picked up. "Do it now, Hayley." As soon as Hayley removed the shackles, a ball of blue light escaped Hope and flew up into the air. It broke into four pieces before hitting each sibling in the chest and disappearing.

"I can hear it whispering," Rebekah announced.

"Okay, you guys need to go." The siblings hesitated. "Now!" Kol was the first to go, then Rebekah. Elijah disappeared, leaving Nik as the last one.

"Nik, we have to go," I muttered, moving closer to him.

"I need to know if she's all right," he replied, looking down at Hope.

"Klaus, I promise you, she is going to be okay if you go," Vincent reassured. Hope began to stir in Hayley's arms, her eyes finding Nik.

"Daddy? What's happening?" Hope asked.

"Hope. I love you," Nik stated, grabbing onto my hand and pulling me out of the compound.

"She'll be okay, Nik," I commented, lacing our fingers as he pulled the car away.

Wow, this is a really short chapter. Sorry about that guys!

Halloween is in 2 days! Unfortunately, I don't get to dress up and go trick-or-treating with my little cousins since I have an evening class. What are you guys going to be doing/dressing up as?

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2018.

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