Chapter 19A

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"I look like a disco ball," Freya remarked, looking at her reflection in the mirror.

"Relax. There are plenty more to choose from," Rebekah reassured, handing me a glass of champagne before handing one to Freya.

"Never thought I'd be walking myself down the aisle."

"I'm sure Elijah will come around," I asserted.

"I don't know. I mean, the Elijah I know would put anything aside for family, but he's different now. He's carrying around all this guilt like he should be punished for the rest of eternity for the part he played in Hayley's death, but he didn't even know who she was when he did it. Kind of pisses me off."

"Yes, well, it wouldn't be a Mikaelson family gathering without one of us being mad at another one," Rebekah commented.

"Just wait until you have kids," I added.

"If we have kids," Freya responded, eyeing her reflection. Rebekah and I glanced at each other, equally confused.

"If? Keelin doesn't talk like it's an if."

"We haven't exactly had the conversation."

"Well, don't you think you should do that before you walk down the aisle?" Rebekah questioned. I glanced down at my watch, seeing the time.

"Oh, I gotta go. The twins' plane should be getting in any minute," I declared, downing the rest of my champagne. "I'll see you guys later."


As I finished fixing Finn's tie, the band started playing, announcing Freya's arrival. I turned, seeing both Nik and Elijah escorting Freya down the aisle. Freya continued up to the altar, Nik and Elijah coming to a stop next to me. Reaching over, I laced my fingers with Nik's, giving his hand a light squeeze.

"Dearly beloved," Kol began, "now, not to make this all about me, but we know how families work. Sometimes its dinner, and sometimes its daggers. Now, I don't know why it takes something as special as this to wake us up, to make us aware of the beauty in the moment, during the moment, or to be grateful for what we have, while we have it. Now, I, for one, am grateful for all of you. Keelin, when I first met you, I would have never predicted that you would become my sister. Now, you're strong and beautiful, and deserve nothing but the best in life." My mind wandered away from Kol's speech as I thought back to my own wedding six years ago.


Taking one last look at my reflection, I let out a breath, making my way out to the garden. Nik and I had decided to elope, not wanting anything too fancy, so the lack of people didn't surprise me. Getting to the garden, my eyes immediately found Nik's as he stood at the altar. It was a beautiful day in Northern Ireland; the sun was shining, glinting off Lough Erne behind him. My eyes wandered over the faces of the guests: Rebekah, who stood with Delilah and Finn; Freya and Keelin, and Hayley, who stood with Hope. Of course, they couldn't physically be here, neither could Rebekah, but magic was a helpful thing to have. I moved my eyes back to Nik as I came to a stop next to him. "Hi," I whispered, unable to hold back a smile. Nik was silent, his eyes searching my face. "Nik?"

"You look breathtaking," he muttered, reaching out to grab onto my hand.

"I was hoping you'd say that," I joked, the priest catching our attention. As he went through the ceremony, I could feel Nik's eyes on me.

"Do you, Niklaus Mikaelson, take this woman to be your wife as long as you both shall live?" The priest asked, and I could see Nik fighting a smirk.

"You could ask me that a million times over the next million years and my answer will always be: I do," Nik declared.

"And do you, Elizabeth Sawyer, take this man to be your husband as long as you both shall live?"

"I do. Always. And forever," I stated.

"With that said, I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Mikaelson. You may kiss your bride," the priest announced. Nik took a step forward, reaching a hand up to caress my cheek before pressing his lips to mine. I went to pull away, but Nik held on, continuing to kiss me.

"Nik, there's little eyes," I mumbled against his lips.

"I've been waiting too long to marry you. They can look away," he replied, pulling away slightly.

I let out a chuckle, pressing my lips to his once more, "I love you."

"Not as much as I love you, Mrs. Mikaelson."

*End of Flashback*

Feeling Nik squeeze my hand, I looked up at him.

"Something on your mind, love?" He whispered.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking about our wedding," I replied, and Nik lifted our joined hands, pressing a kiss to the back of my hand.

"Now, by the power vested in me by a Franciscan monk in the 13th century, and by the Internet a few hours ago just to be on the safe side, I now pronounce you married," Kol announced. "You may both kiss the bride." Flowers began to rain down as Freya and Keelin kiss, making their marriage official.

FIRST: I'm sorry for not updating earlier. I was out Black Friday shopping with my mom and then I had to drive home and get everything unpacked, and its just been a long day.

SECOND: here's a nice little snippet of Nik and Ellie's wedding. (Unfortunately, that's all you're gonna get for their wedding).

THIRD: I went onto some destination wedding websites and found a cute little castle in Ireland to use as the venue for their wedding. I didn't do any research on it, even though I should have, so forgive me if there are any mistakes.

LAST: I have some pictures (for their wedding) that I will be posting next in Chapter 19B. If any of the pictures don't work, please let me know.

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2018.

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