Not a chapter- just an update

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Hey guys, little update. I've been working on the last chapter little bits at a time. I'm drowning in schoolwork and am on my way to becoming broke. I'm hoping for any break in school so I can take a breather for the first time in a while. College is constant tests, quizzes, and programming assignments for me and I have approximately 3-4 hours of sleep on a good night, so bear with me here in my brain dead rambles for the night. I have to drive just over an hour each way to get to class and my truck broke down last week, now I'm borrowing family cars and being their Uber to/ from work. Now I'm out another $3500 for repairs (hence the going broke part of my intro here). Idk ramblings and rants are my go to's. I'm pretty sure it's one of the reasons my ex dumped me- that and my obsession with my truck (look at how both the relationship and truck turned out 🙃).

Edit: jk about the truck thing. I done got me a new Toyota Tacoma. I'm going to miss my little 2002 ranger but this new truck has so many upgraded features. I could barely get groceries before since I didn't have an extended cab but I have full on backseats now. I'm so happy and excited like wtf 😂😂.

Back to the things you may care about... I'm really loving where I brought this story. Idk if anybody would even like a sequel, but I do think it's necessary if I go on with my ideas for the rest of the final chapter (any opinions on the matter are welcome). As I said before, I'm getting little bits done at a time. I'm hoping for it to be nice and long with most of the loose ends tied up. I just had a major test in every one of my classes except one on Friday, so hopefully I can kick out some more writing this weekend?? Idk. This has been a great journey of writing this story and transforming it as I get better ideas. It's been about a year of me writing it and it's crazy to think about where I was as a person when I started and where I am today (and how the girls are... shit changed quickly).

I need to go to bed so I'm cutting myself off after one more topic of (typically unpopular) interest. Tyren?? They are looking like more of a couple lately and I'm honestly not hating it that much. It may be because of the adorable puppy but whatever. AND BOTTLED UP LIKE WTF Dinah's voice is beautiful😱. Okay goodnight, I hope to be posting the final chapter to this book before long but no promises as for when it'll actually be done.

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