Chapter Twenty

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Another chapter finished... and it's another long one :). I like it, that the chapters are getting longer. Makes up for the fact that there are fewer; I am writing much slower than last Camp NaNoWriMo in June. I'm even behind on schedule! :O

But let not let my failure hold you back--you just enjoy the new chapter :)


          For hours, they practiced. First meditation, and after that Maya tried to teach June how to transport the magic energy through her body, move it by sheer power of will, so she would be able to cast a spell. It was hard work, and much more exhausting than she had thought it was. June was impressed by the child, who apparently had been able to manage this feat at four years old. She was sixteen, and barely understood how it worked!

          Marc stayed with them most of the time, being there to comfort June and keep an eye on things. It wasn’t completely unthinkable that the impatient tutor Maya turned out to be would push her too far; he’d demand a short recess every once in a while, knowing that June would not ask something like that on her own account. She was unsure of her abilities, even with the locket that gave her a near-infinite amount of magic energy to borrow from Maya, but as she got to understand a bit more of how to control it, she also got more stubborn about learning more and more, even when the exercises were getting increasingly difficult.

          Only twice did Marc leave the room, both times to find something to eat for the two mages at work. He stayed out for a long time first, having trouble getting lunch from somewhere. The second time, he came back much quicker, with a small pot of stew and a few bowls. He said the werewolves now understood that Joanne preferred to dine alone and not in the mess-hall. The stew though, was gritty and even Maya did not think it appetizing.

          “They told me to apologize for the poor meal,” Marc said as they ate—it tasted only little better than it looked. “They hadn’t expected you to show up, and weren’t prepared to make a meal deserving of the Immortal Fox. But they said this mistake would not be made again; they’ll make sure from now on you will receive the meals of kings, not foot soldiers…” He humphed and, with effort, forced another bite down his throat. “I am a foot soldier, and I don’t like this!”

          June didn’t say anything, though she did agree with Marc; the food was anything from satisfying. She was glad she and Maya had been at it all day, for the hunger made her forget about the stew’s taste. At least it filled her stomach a bit, but she refused any seconds. None of them wanted seconds.

          Terrance hadn’t come back from the laboratory yet, and June was slowly getting worried about that. He could take care of himself, of course, and she did not doubt that he had important things to do, but it was getting late. In a while, Maya would have to go to bed—somehow, June had thought Terrance would not miss that. Waiting for him, she tried more magic, but after a while, it was quite obvious the girl was tired. She yawned, and sometimes drifted off while June tried a spell. Eventually, she gave up resisting, and in fact admitted that she was tired.

          Marc carried her to bed, gently putting her down and tugging her in. Maya seemed to have taken to him quite well for the day, and the night before, but despite this still asked, “Where’s Terrance?”

          “I… I don’t know. He’s busy,” June said. “He’ll be here in the morning, when you wake up again, okay?”

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