Chapter Forty-Nine

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It's a small one this time but I hope you won't mind ;)



          The door opened and June stumbled in, pushed by one of the werewolves. As she quickly steadied herself again, Nikolai looked up.

          “You found her,” he said. “Good.”

          The wolves nodded. “It went just as expected.”

          “Any casualties?”

          “Only one, though he'll be alright.”

          “Good job. Now strap her to the wall.” He gestured at a pair of shackles bolted against the wall. There were plenty of them in the room—this was probably where the priests used to torture demons. What struck June more though, was the circle of blood on the ground, accompanied by all kinds of different marks, no doubt for the ritual.

          After she was chained tightly to the wall, Nikolai glanced at Nadia and Steven. “What's with them?” he asked.

          “They're humans, they came along with her. Shall we put them in a cage?”

          “No, there is plenty of room right here. The more, the merrier, right?”

          “Right.” The wolf chuckled as he put Nadia and Steven in binds as well. They struggled but they weren't strong enough to overpower him or break the shackles. Perhaps June was, she considered. After all, she did have strength on her side, even after the locket was taken from her. The shackles looked old, a bit rusty.

          “Don't even think about it,” Nikolai said and smiled. “These things held back stronger demons than you for plenty of time. Just like anything else here, they're infused with magic you cannot even imagine.”

          “Bloodmagic to hold back demons. But I'm not a demon,” she said and pulled at the shackles around her wrists. They held, even when she put all her strength into it.

          He grinned, watching her struggle. “You may be a newly bitten wolf, and thus protected from the burn of holy water or crosses, but that doesn't take away the fact that you're still a werewolf; there's still a demon inside of you. These shackles won't break. So just relax and enjoy the show, will you?”

          “Fuck you,” she said, but he barely reacted. He simply grinned and turned to the werewolves.

          “Get the kid and get Terrance too. Make sure he doesn't try anything, okay? I suspect he might become a nuisance once he sees her... Oh, and get Coldflower too.”

          The wolves nodded and quickly left, after handing him the locket. He smiled as he examined the thing, letting his fingers run over the surface.

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