Chapter Forty-Eight

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Here's a new chapter. And you might be thinking, why do I post this now? It's not past midnight (at least not in my timezone). Will I post another chapter tomorrow, the 19th?

No. One chapter per day, until I run out of story or I run out of chapters. But I posted this one early (just one hour if you look at it scientifically) to save me some time tomorrow, since it'll be a rush-day, probably. Didn't want you guys to miss a chapter because of that, certainly not when everything is so exciting and tense and thriller-y... yeah, I run out of good words to use. X_X

Anyway, so I hope you like this chapter. It's the beginning of the end (or was that five chapters before or something?)... it's cool at least!



          The day progressed slowly, though June could hardly wait until the night began, anxious to check out the Cathedral. She tried to keep herself busy during the day, answering any questions Nadia and Steven had, and training her magic ability. After yesterday, it seemed a little easier to put up a wall—although she didn't try to control any fire in the stables filled with flammable hay and straw. Still, letting magic energy move through her body, control it as she let sparks in different colors come out of her fingertips. She was getting better at it.

          After a while though, she attempted to heal her feet; they still hurt a lot and she needed to be able to walk soon. She wasn't sure what she was doing exactly, but placed her hands on her feet and let  the energy flow to there, imagining them healed, much as Maya had created her dress in the same way. It took a lot of time, but eventually they did hurt less, and the red swelling slowly shrank too. When she was done, they weren't completely unscratched—there were still some awful scars left—but at least she was able to stand on them again without too much pain.

          Nadia was impressed, but more so when June continued to her torn dress. For what they were planning, infiltrating the Cathedral, trying to find Terrance and break him out, a dress would be in the way, certainly if they needed to make a fast escape. She concentrated on something better fitting, a pair of pants that would be good to run and fight in, closed her eyes, and did just as Maya had done. A gasp told her she had succeeded; when she opened her eyes, her dress was gone, but had been replaced by black clothing that would be good to hide in the dark with.

          Finally though, it was time. Night had fallen, and the inn was getting louder as more people came back from the streets to celebrate the festival inside, with drinks and songs. Steven smiled as he heard the plenty voices. “They would make a good crowd,” he said.

          Nadia shrugged. “Tomorrow we can try make some money off of them—tonight, we have to do this, okay?”

          June thanked them for the hundredth time for helping her, and they quickly set off, leaving the stables and going out on the streets. It was a little chilly outside, but warmer than yesterday. The few men out were still dancing and talking and did not take notice of the three people making their way to the Cathedral. There were no priests out though, June noted; before, there were always a few priests walking outside to celebrate and spread the good word to the people. There weren't any now though...

          “Maybe Terrance is keeping them busy?” Nadia suggested, but June couldn't help but worry for him. They had to press on quickly, no time to delay.

          The square was still a little populated by people unwilling to go home yet; a few musicians played as many men and women danced happily. It took June a moment to realize they were doing waltzes, in imitation of Terrance and her, the other night. She blushed; she really hadn't known at the time that it was so strange.

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