Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The sermon is done. Finally! Now the story can continue.

Hope you didn't listen all this time to a boring priest to get in the mood; that totally wasn't worth it :P.



          “Father? Can I talk to you for a moment?”

          The priest automatically gestured towards the confession booths, barely turning around to face whoever spoke to him, but keeping his eye on the large book he was reading. “My child, ours is to listen to you. Over there you can confess in privacy, so you can be forgiven for your sins.”

          “This isn’t about that.”

          The Father turned to face him and was a bit surprised to find the man he was talking to rather large and bulky. “What is it about then, my child?” he asked.

          Marc hesitated for a second, considering each word he was about to say before he continued. “I was… I was very inspired by your sermon, Father,” he finally said.

          “You were? Well, that is very good. Inspiration is a divine blessing.”

          “It is, and I wanted to thank you for it. And if there is any way I can repay the favor…”

          “The favor?” the priest said. “But my child, what we do is hardly a favor. We do this for God, to honor him in our humble way, and to keep every innocent soul on the path of the righteous. We do not ask for much in return.” He motioned to the grand Cathedral, the marble and gold around them. “We have so much already.”

          “But that’s not what I’m talking about. I do not want to give you charity, but… I wish to lend you my sword,” he added in a soft whisper so no one would overhear. “I know what is foretold and I know what kind of demons you are facing, and I want to help you.”

          The Father stared at him, baffled. “M-My child,” he muttered. “What do you mean?” He slowly reached for the crucifix hanging from his neck. Marc gestured at it.

          “That’s what I mean. The war, the battle that’s going on. I know of it.”


          Again, the soldier hesitated, and glanced around to make sure no one was watching them. Then he reached inside his pockets and took out a folded piece of parchment, that he handed to the priest. “My name is Marc Gormen,” he said. “I am a soldier.”

          “But… a soldier wouldn’t-”

          “Please, Father, look at the document.”

          The man took the parchment and opened it. It wore the Royal Seal, and referenced Marc Gormen as a soldier on a special mission. Quickly, he closed it again. “What is…?”

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