Chapter Forty-Three

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Another chapter for you guys! Continuing from where we left of, the danger isn't over yet... Hope you like it :).

Enjoy, and tell me what you think!


          The cold air stung as she exited the building and found herself in the alleyway, but she barely noticed it; she only slowed down her pace a little bit, but kept going. How many priests there were, she wasn’t sure, but she guessed there were more than just the ones she had encountered—and they would soon search for her. By the time they would, she wanted to be far, far away.

          She slipped on her ring and felt how her tail disappeared, along with her wolf ears. A strange feeling that she ignored. The little remains of flame in her hand shrank to small embers before dying out quickly.

          As she left the alley and traded it for the streets of Oakes, she couldn’t help but notice the strange difference. There were a lot of people here, walking the streets, laughing and talking, even dancing on the rhythm of the music played on every corner. None of them seemed to have noticed the priests’ attack, or even the fire that was raging through the house… then again, it hadn’t really been that long, right? June wasn’t sure. Everything had happened so fast, it could have been a minute ago since the attack started…

          She slowed down a bit more and started to jog instead of running. She didn’t want to draw any attention to herself, as she passed so many different groups of men and woman, sometimes even children who were staying up at the late hour. Despite that though, they did point at her from time to time, muttering something to each other. June wasn’t sure why, but it could have been the fear still set on her face. Every ten seconds, she looked over her shoulder to make sure that no one was following her.

          Only when she had crossed half the town did she finally stop. She was panting, out of breath, and was sure she couldn’t go on for much longer. She hoped she had gotten far enough. Now, she just had to find some kind of shelter—if they would search for her, she did not want to be out in the open, but rather someplace safe. Her mind ran out to the inn where they had taken a room the first day they arrived in Oakes; it was small, but inconspicuous, and their horse was still in the stables, along with their wagon. However, she’d have to come up with some story why they had disappeared after the first day, not to mention the innkeep might not even recognize her with her hair colored red. Was there someplace else she could stay?

          As she walked the streets, trying to think of anything, she suddenly noticed a tune she recognized—and a voice too. Quickly, she turned to the source; two musicians, playing their instruments as three children danced around them. One had a flute to his mouth, the other one was playing her lute as she sung,

          “Sing a song, make it long!

          “The day is done, but we’re not gone.

          “Our music goes on, till the rise of the sun.

          “Till sleep has won, till then we have fun!

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