Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Yay, another chapter! Hope you can enjoy it. Leave a comment if you do! ;)


          The camp was located in a clearing in the forest, surrounded by trees; a large collection of tents stood in neat rows, covering most of the clearing. Most tents were small, with just enough room for one or two men to sleep, while a few were larger—the alpha’s tents. In the middle of the camp, a large campfire was built, and it was surrounded by werewolves. They had gathered there, where it was warm. Some were eating, while others were talking and laughing. Some gambled. And some lured at June.

          She was tied to a pole, with little room to move. She sat on the ground, trying to ignore the werewolves around her, those wild beasts that were just hoping for her to escape. Because if she did, whoever caught her would get her, Nikolai had promised them, and she feared he wasn’t joking. So she had over ten prison guards, all watching her every move. One of them had already ‘accidentally’ dropped a knife within the reach of her legs, but she hadn’t acted on it. There was no chance for her to escape—only when everyone had gone to sleep, she might try something, when only one wolf was on guard duty. He’d be sitting close to the fire, while she was too far away to feel its heat; she would be hard to see for the man, and with a little bit of luck, she would be able to undo her binds and slip out without him noticing… she wasn’t sure what to do after that though, as she did not have a clue where she was exactly.

          After Nikolai’s interrogation, Coldflower had forced some potion down her throat that had given her strange nightmares of seas of silver and fire. When she woke up, it was morning, and she was tied to this pole. She didn’t know how long she’d been asleep, and had no idea where to go if she were to escape. However, she knew that if she would manage to escape, she had better run fast. The dogs that would chase her had her scent, and they would like nothing more than to get their hands on her…

          How she would escape though, that was a different matter entirely. Even though one man had tried to pass her a knife, her binds were checked regularly. They were tight and gave her little wiggle room; barely enough for her to shift her position on the ground. Though they hadn’t stuffed the cloth into her throat again, they had put a rag into her mouth so she still couldn’t talk. She wasn’t afraid of choking anymore, but the rag was filthy and it cut her cheeks.

          “How is the prisoner?” Nikolai smiled as the werewolves made room to let him through. He glanced down on June. “Comfortable?”

          She turned her head away, the only gesture she could make.

          He grinned. “Good. Enjoying yourself?”

          She kept avoiding his gaze, hoping he would get bored soon and leave her alone. He didn’t though, but instead stayed close. He checked her binds, making sure the ropes were tight, when he suddenly noticed the knife lying in the grass, two feet away from her. He picked it up and turned to the werewolves with a growl.

          “If anyone tries to help her escape,” he said, “I’ll put this in their chest. Understand?”

          The message got through; the group of werewolves split as they quickly left before Nikolai would decide to demonstrate. He watched how they made their way out of there, then put the knife in his belt.

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