*Author's note

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Well, the story is done. PaL is done. All that's left for me before I go to writing something else is to write down my final thoughts in this author's note.

I've been working on this story since June; started it about halfway through Camp NaNo. Don't even want to count how many days that's been. At least it's been more than with SoaP, which I started  mostly out of boredom. When I finished it in June, I was so happy and excited, I immediately began working on the sequel... which posed some problems.

I had tried sequels to the story before the re-write of SoaP, but they all failed. One by one, Terrance managed to ruin them all. I promised him to go hunt the Devil, and he wanted dragons. I would make him fight vampires, and he'd convince them to help him... really, ruined all of my plots.

Another problem I had was July. Yes, a month can be a problem. Especially when it's a month in which I could not possibly write. Because of little time, but mostly because of the fact that I just couldn't write. Burndown from the 79k I wrote in June... X_X. Lasted till somewhere in August, or probably September--only then I managed to get over it and find the fun in the story again :^). 

I lost it though, somewhere in September or perhaps in October. Writing slowly made me lose touch with the characters and the plot, and I didn't like it. Through November though--thanks to NaNoWriMo--I re-found it. I'm grateful for that, because I would have hated for this attempt at a sequal to fail as well...

But it didn't; this one succeeded. And I guess that's partly because Terrance let that happen. Also partly because of some perseverance on my part. But also because of so many other people that I'd actually would really like to thank.

So... here I go:

- First of all, I want to thank the writing group I've been attending, the G.H.O.S.T.-Writers. I know only a few people from there will read this post (actually just one, despite any promises somebody else might have made... :P), but despite that I still want to thank them. They're a cool group of quirky people just like me, who all love writing. Thanks to the weekly meetings, I've been able to create this in a better way than I would have wihtout them. So thanks a lot. I hope we'll stick together for a long, long time ;).

- Okay, secondly, I want to thank a Wattpad user named Fallen_tear. You came out of nowhere, and surprised me with your sudden interest in my story. Your comments helped me find motivation to write when I had none, and I really, really want to thank you for that.

- Moving on to third! Liam! Your comments too, have been a great help for finding motivation. And not only that; having you to chat with, to get my mind off any problems I might have had and on the story, or off the story when I thought it was rubbish, helped a lot. I finished this one, I hope you'll soon finish (and share!) yours ;). Also, I don't know if you've noticed, but we've met each other online just before NaNo. Right now, it's NaNo again. We've been chatting for over a year. That's awesome too. Thanks for that ;).

- But most of all, I want to thank Jen. Of course, I know you've been sorta-thanked already, but you deserve more than that. You were the one I came to when someone poked a hole in my plot, you've been the one I've been interrogating every time I posted a chapter. You didn't complain, and that deserves some love. You've stuck to the story for some reason, and you kept me going more than anything--especially when you started playing rocket-y and I had to make an effort keeping up with you. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for that. I hope your story will turn out great too.

This 'chapter' is dedicated to you because you most of all, helped me through this story. I hope you can enjoy it ;).

- Oh! Then I shouldn't forget the last guy I wanted to thank. It's someone who I forced for a bit, but who never complained about it and even surprised me when he suddenly jumped in to help. Someone I never expected to love this much, and who I will miss dearly in fact.

I am talking about Blake; the guy that started as "Mystery Man" in SoaP, just a character I needed to fill a plothole or two, who reminded a little like Terrance but wasn't much more than that.

I started this story with his death in mind; I knew he would eventually sacrifice himself to save the others, and that Terrance would be absolutely devestated. What I didn't know was that he was more like Terrance than I originally anticipated; just like Terrance, he managed to take over my story a little. But instead of running it into the ground, he made himself a bad guy, giving me the opportunity to fill my last few holes and finish it with as much drama as I could muster. He never complained about it, even though he knew this was going to happen...

So yeah. Blake, you'll be missed. You were an awesome friend, you gave me insights in Terrance that I never knew. You helped June more than you might think. And... well, I liked you. A lot. ;'(

Yeah, I know I just thanked one of my own characters for helping me with my story. But I don't care--he deserved thanking. It makes me wonder though, is there anything else that I need to put in this author's note?

I don't exaclty know what the future holds right now; NaNo is still going and I need about 5k, so I will find some story to finish that with, but after that... I don't know. Of course this story needs editing, but that won't happen any time soon, aside from correcting minor spelling mistakes. I just don't like editing ;).

What might happen (really, no promises!) is that I finish PaL. This may confuse you: isn't it finished already? Well, yes and no. The story is finished, but there's still the fairytales that I've been postponing because they're hard to write. I might do those and put them in the story where I see fit.

What also might happen is that I continue with the third part of the "Travelling with a Wolf"-series, called "Homebound and Heartbroken". I haven't gotten a complete plot outline, but just a few basic ideas of what it will be about...

And the third option is that I take a little break from TwaW and just do some other random story to take my mind of things... I'm not sure...

Guess we'll just see what happens, right?

So I just want to thank you, all the readers, for one more time. This story is long. I don't know how many Wattpad pages, but the Open Office statistics are: 199 pages, 125828 words. That is A LOT. And you read them all, every single chapter--and there's 53 of them right now! (and if you didn't read them all, I reccommend you do ;P).

So thanks for the love, and please leave a comment so I know you're there. I'd love to know who you all are ;).

Hmm, I think I've said it all now. Good evening everyone, I'm logging off.

-Vincent des Coeurs

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