I possess at times...
sharp tongue,
pay no mind harshness sung,
merely less air filling lung;
habitually stopping time,
spilling forth mad-wonder rhymes,
How does one keep mind from peering back?
All the while, back...
snaking through grass for varied attack,
heart ache & turmoil breathes still past,
only give strength to long last;
though of lone mouths taste,
a devoted kiss can satiet,
this exquisite touch...
richer & fuller than diamond radiate,
inner surge's retire & abate.
Between Actuality & a Psychotic Embrace
PoetryA collection of my own combined styles of - Macro Poetry & QuoteArt, which = MacQuote Poetry. I will try my best to have new additions every week from my on-going-twisted-love-affair of writing poetry. For all the support and encouragements you al...