'Of Single Mind'

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& it must be growing critical,

something's slowly leaking cerebral,

no care at all,

if & how I fall,

took & stole,

at every corner 

mine heart felt whole;

pieces have lost strength in tone,

some began to loosen by heated bone;

layers peeling back by unknown force,

sending mine forth another blown course;

peeled awake from beneath hidden corners inside,

took a stroll whenever opportunity should arise,

though -

mine soul fought till eyes grew dry,

my mistake in thinking erected with steal walls;

I can not cure you all,

there's bound to be remnants wandering about

unforeseen squall,

festering till warning bells in wrawl,

give heart a second to stand beyond perpetual crawl,

take lead of mine hand to scrawl,

you carry no voice,


scream loudly in the darkest devoice


this soul's desires are of but single minded choice.

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