Shame After Joy

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Chapter 2

The morning's sunlight quickly and roughly made it's way through the window, brightening out the dark room and in a not polite way threw it's light onto the girl's face and eyes, causing them to open.

The girl opened her eyes slowly and felt her arms' and legs' pain letting out a small and tired growl, she sat up carefully as the hurt skin tightened, making her moving more complicated.

In half an hour she got ready with packing and got dressed in the usual warm clothes with long sleeves and always long, black ripped jeans.

She walked downstairs with a long yawn, skipping the breakfast and going outside to catch her bus.

On the way to school she sat alone in the back and checked on her notifications.

Exactly at 10am the bus stopped in front of the school and every student got off the vehicle, making their own way away, leaving her behind like an "invisible ghost" or a "lost soul".

She walked slowly to the entrance doors and entered, keeping her gaze on the ground then walking directly to her class with a gentle yawn.

The class was empty and just like every single day she was the first to arrive, she took her seat and threw down her bag.

It was quiet, too quiet.. silence only forces you into your thoughts and trap you in them, she held her head to the desk and snuggled more into the hood.

Thoughts started to haunt her, making her eyes teary, her chest tight and her breathing to get harder.

'Die, piece of shit!'

'You shouldn't even exist!'

'A lonely failure'

'You'll die alone'

'Kill yourself!'

'What the fuck is wrong with you?!'
'.... why is this all happening....'

'Depression, the only thing what suits you, that's your faith and you can't change it, you'll die sooner or later ...'

In a few minutes a guy walked silently into the class and it made her feel better, soon enough more and more students crawled into the class.

Another day of the hell started.
Joking, hell would be better.

Date: 26/09/18

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