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Melody opened her eyes as the sun woke her up. She let out a yawn and sat up in the bed, biting her lip softly.

'Huh... gotta get ready before he gets here'

So she got up and got ready in half an hour, letting out the last yawn she could before walking down.

The weather was a bit chilly yet sunny so she wore a hoodie (Of course black) and black jeans with her usual black shoes.

She walked out of the house, closing the door behind as slipped her phone into her pocket and looked around.

A few seconds later Kyle stopped in front of her with a laughter as just got off his skateboard.

-"Good morning, sunshine!"
-"M-Morning Kyle but... what did you plan?"
-"Ah nothing too much just a bit chilling!"
-"Okay so we go by feet, right?"
-"Nah, haha! That'd be too slow, get on!"
-"T-There's no way I'm getting onto this...!"
-"C'mon don't wine too much, just get on I promise you won't fall, if you do I'll catch you!"
-"..... gah... okay fine."
-"Here lemme help, princess!"

He laughed as held up her hand to help her onto the skateboard next to him and smiled the whole time, she stepped on in fear.

Kyle slowly placed his hands onto her waist and still kept on his warm yet playful and childishly happy smile.

-"We can go if you're ready, just don't jump off please or that will hurt."

-"Okay... we can go."

-"Just hold on tight onto me I'll be here~"

He blushed a bit as she wrapped her arms around his chest and buried her face into his chest and he kept holding her waist.

He lifted off one of his feet then gave the vehicle a strong shot to go, and they made their way forward.


A few minutes later Kyle stopped the skateboard and as she looked up slowly he giggled a bit.

-"May I help you down, her grace? If yes would you be so helpful to let your arms go?"

He smiled still as she slowly let go and he grabbed her by the waist, lifting her down slowly.

-"Where are we Kyle...?"
-"I want to show you something. Just trust me."
-"Alright... I trust you... kinda."
He smiled with a cheerful smile.
-"Awesome, you won't regret it!"

He grabbed the skateboard and got a hold on Melody's hand as he started to lead the way through the forest.

He grabbed the skateboard and got a hold on Melody's hand as he started to lead the way through the forest

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*30mins later*

-"Kyle are we almost there?"
-"Almost don't worry... here it is."

Willow looked up and let go of his hand as her jaw slowly dropped by the sight she just got.

There were flowers all around, long to their knees and little kids could play hide and seak easily

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There were flowers all around, long to their knees and little kids could play hide and seak easily.

-"Come, Mel!"

Kyle walked in then Melody followed slowly, smiling a bit as as she opened her eyes he was gone. She quickly looked away.

-"K-Kyle...? Kyle where are you?"

There was no response or anything at all, only silence as Melody called out for him a few more times.


Melody got scared as saw something moving in the woods but didn't know what it was, a second later she was tackled to the ground.

-"Hehe, sorry I didn't mean to... ~"

Her pulses slowly calmed down but went back right in the second she realized that he was on top of her and how close he was.

-"You're really like a lion!"
-"I know so imma eat you! Roawr!!"

He laughed as softly pinned her wrists to the ground and bit her neck softly, she just let it happen and didn't resist.

-"Oh gosh I guess you caught me."

She smiled a bit and he giggled before laying down next to her, watching the sky.


They rested like that for like an hour or so before Kyle got up and yawned, stretching a bit and helping her up.

-"Hey lemme show you a place!"
-"I uhm alright"

He held the girl's hand as they kept going deeper in the woods for long minutes and Kyle stopped at a large tree.

-"It has no stairs so I hope you can climb a tree, Mel"
-"W-Well I'm not the best at it..."
-"Then I'll help you, just hold my hand and trust me. We will be up sooner than you think"

And that was it, Kyle started climbing and held the girl's hand, helping her the best he just could.

When they reached the top they found themselves in a small house, Kyle moving around the comfy was so he knew the place.

-"Hey Mel lets go up and after you can look around down here."

He slowly walked her onto the balcony and lifted her up by her waist onto the roof, climbing up after.

The sun was going down behind the thousands and thousands of trees, making the forest kinda dark yet so colorful as they sat on the highest place.

Kyle smiled softly and Melody rested her back against his chest softly and the boy's cheeks turned a bit red as he locked his fingers with hers, making their hands connect like a puzzle as they watched the sunset in the forest.

Kyle smiled softly and Melody rested her back against his chest softly and the boy's cheeks turned a bit red as he locked his fingers with hers, making their hands connect like a puzzle as they watched the sunset in the forest

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Date: 14/10/18

((Hey guys sorry, it became a long part because I didn't wanna make two part of the forest and it's kinda messed up since my brain wasn't good today and I don't feel too well at all so I'll see when I'll write the next part, enjoy ♥️))

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