C...cute.. me?

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The class went by quickly, the minutes just flew away in the boredom as Mel was resting her head on her palm, playing with her fantasy long in a while.

' Your thoughts are too happy, f*ck it.'

She let out a deep sigh as the voice in her head just broke all the good things.

She rested her head down for a few minutes until the bell rang then grabbed her bag and left to go to the corridor.

It was crowded so she could hide easily, not being criticized and all.

The first break was just a few minutes and the bell sent everyone into their classes, Melody walking to her class as well... maths with Kyle.

As soon as she entered the class she got a heart attack as heard Kyle shouting her name cheerfully and waving.


'How can he be so cheerful yet cute...'
' annoying and weird. making u look sh*t. you should only feel ashamed.'

She gulped as placed her hand onto her chest as it started to hurt and looked down to hide her face under her hair and slowly sit next to him in the back row luckily.

As Melody sat down Kyle still wore a wide smile and broke the silence.

-"How was the first class?"

-"Not bad... quickly went by. Yours?"

'I-I am really doing a convo..? T-that's Cool!'
'Yeah sure.... just keep quiet and stfu*'

-"Ah it was okay! I liked it hehe, glad you survived!"

He kept smiling at her and she turned a bit red and just looked away from him, gulping a bit and letting out a soft sigh.

-"Everything Alright?"
-"Y-Yes I just uhm- not really used to long eye contacts and and any conversations"

'cool you're being an idiot again'
'I-I am not...-'

Kyle laughed softly for the girl's surprise and kept his cheerful wide smile.

-"That's cute.."
-"H-How is that cute...?"
-"Dunno it just is!"

He shrugged gently and the teacher walked it so silence came and it went like that, the women fits gave a few things to solve.

She did well in maths, had no problem with it but heard a few growl from Kyle next to her and looked over as he turned to her.

-"Uhm... y'know I would never ask such a thing but.... heh" -his voice was shaky and he laughed nervously-"could you help with this one?"

' there, he only wants to use you. '
' it's just only one question, not that bad.'

-"Of course."

She said and leaned closer, helping him out and showing how to solve it.

-"Whoa you're smart... thank you!!"

He smiled brightly and they talked and helped each other a few more times until the class ended and they both got their things together.

-"Hey Uhm... I was wondering if you're free at around 7pm?"

'no, depression needs time. you're busy.'

-"S-Sure I'm free! What would it be?"

-"Awesome!! Let's meet up in front of the school. Just wanna ask a few things about maths and just talk."

He said it with a cute smile and a small blush on his cheeks and she nodded softly.

-"Then see you there, miss."

Kyle laughed, getting the joke.

-"See you there, sir~"

And they waved their goodbyes at the door and tried to survive the rest of the day.

Date: 08/10/18

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