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Imagine going into Kai's head and seeing his past and feeling his pain.

“I’m doing what?” 

“Just take a teeny tiny peek. A glimpse.” Damon persisted. 

“I don’t wanna feel whatever’s going on up there.” You shook your head. “Klaus was bad enough.” 

“We’ve done this a hundred times, why are you pussing out?” 

“We’ve done this twice, Damon. Twice.” 

Twice, Damon.” He mocked. “He’s all tied up and ready for you. It’s a piece of pie.” 

“Well, now I’m hungry, so first of all- you’re buying me pie after this.” 

“So you’ll do it?” He interrupted. 

Second of all,” You continued. “I need you to stay outside. And third of all… I hate you.” 

“Yeah, what else is new.” He grumbled before leaning against the railing. 

You took a deep breath and faced the door. 

You were an empath, an untrained, naive little empath that was often called upon to feel the emotions of others. It started out with Bonnie wondering how Jeremy felt about his dead girlfriend, which you readily agreed to help her with, but it evolved into Damon or Stefan asking you to feel the emotions of people they were up against. You had looked into the minds of Katherine and Klaus, in that order. Katherine was a fireball of self adoration and conniving ideas. Klaus was the messier of the two. He was so full of confusion and guilt, thirsty for power but also craving affection. You had found a small sliver of light in him, and clung to it, trying to pull it to the surface and see what it was made of. You passed out before you made it that far, and hadn’t used your abilities since. Now, Kai was your task. 

You pushed the door open and entered the house. Now that you think about it, you had no idea whose house this was, but before you could ponder the charges of breaking and entering you would face if caught, you spotted Kai. He was roped to a chair in the middle of the room, a smile playing on his lips. 

“You must be the doctor.” He said perkily. “I have a little surprise for you below the belt, but be careful, I think it’s infected.” 

You ignored his chatter as you slowly approached him. 

“Then again I did come here for a medical opinion, so if you’d like to see it-” 

Your hands were at either side of his face now, and Kai felt an uneasy sense of invasion. You hadn’t actually read him yet, but he felt fire where your fingers dragged across his stubble.You were looking for the best point of entry; a malleable spot for you to press into his mind. 

“I didn’t clock you as the forward type. You could’ve bought me dinner first.” His cockiness was unbearable but the waver in his voice wasn’t missed. He was nervous, and it didn’t take an empath to know that. 

“Be quiet.” You growled, eyes shut. 

Very forward. You know I’ve never met an empath. You ever try seeing what a worm is feeling? They always look so sad to me.” 

You groaned, knowing that he was only rambling to keep you distracted. Tuning him out, you moved your hands back to his jaw and slowly worked towards his temple, letting his mind ripple beneath your fingertips. It was incredibly rigid. Most people had a soft wavelength that was easily penetrated. Katherine and Klaus were more tense, but even they had a soft spot. It had taken you seconds to find Katherine’s, which was in the top of her forehead. Just above the cheekbones had worked for Klaus after nearly three minutes. 

Kai Parker Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now