Little things

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Imagine you have a social anxiety and it's your birthday and Kai helps you

Kai walked upstairs. He had no idea why the Salvatore’s had invited him to that party since they didn’t like him. He had asked Damon this to which he had answered : “To bury the hatchet.” 
God knew it was an enormous hatchet , hard to bury with just one party but Kai couldn’t shake the feeling there had to be some other reason.
Kai didn’t feel like spending time with a bunch of  strangers downstairs and Damon had said the floor upstairs is off limits which only made him want to see whats upstairs more. Most of the doors were locked , except one…    

    “It’s your birthday.We are throwing you a party and you are coming. It can’t be your birthday party without you there..” Stefan had said , poking her in the stomach playfully.  
    “I don’t want a party, Stefan. You know how I feel around large groups of people … ” she muttered to her best friend. 
   "Trust me about this one. Okay ?“ 
   "Okay …” she had agreed.

The party itself was fun , there was music and her friends had made sure to have all her favorite snacks and drinks but each of them had also invited someone who had invited another someone and so on. Things had gone out of hand and when she had stepped inside the house expecting only a couple of people to be there and seen so many people some of which she didn’t even know … her anxiety had kicked in. Stefan had helped her upstairs because she had felt nautious , dizzy and was afraid she might pass out. In the end she had stayed in her room most of the evening unable to untie the knot in her stomach. It had been fine until she heard footsteps down the hall and a moment later the person she least expected to come through the door did.Kai pushed the door open carefully not wanting to scare whoever it was in there. There was no doubt there was someone inside - he could hear someone breathing and a heart racing fast.
“Oh hello.” he said smirking , leaning against the door frame. Y/N was sitting on the floor next to the bed , a plastic cup standing next to her. She looked startled at first , then got up and quickly headed for the door. Kai blocked it. Y/N kept looking at her shoes , taking a step to the left then to the right trying to find a way out. 
“Don’t be scared. I’m not going to hurt you…” he said putting his hands in his pockets. “Why are you hiding up here ? The fun is downstairs … or so I’ve been told.” he trailed off.
“I .. I don’t .. I don’t like being around lar-ge groups of p-people.” she mumbled.
Kai grinned. “We have something in common.” he said , lifting her chin up making her look at him. “Come on , Y/N. Don’t tell me you are scared of spending a few minutes alone with the big badheretic.” 
He couldn’t tear his eyes off her and could swear the corners of her mouth twitched a little at his last words. 
“I’m .. I’m n-not scared.” she mumbled , taking a step back from him her gaze falling to the ground again.
In that moment it hit him why the Salvatore’s had invited him. It hadn’t been because they wanted to ‘bury the hatchet’ as Damon had said , it had been because of her , why else would Damon specifically forbid him from going upstairs. 
“Then what is it ?” Kai asked curious. Y/N sat down on the floor again , finishing whatever was left inside of her cup and turning it upside down on the floor. She didn’t answer his question. 
Y/N felt as if she’d pass out again feeling the lightheadedness return. She took a few steps back to her previous spot on the floor and sat down. Kai was nice , well … nice-ish. He had done some awful things but Y/N had never been afraid he’d hurt her , more like her anxiety / shyness that kept her from getting to talk to him and get to know him more. Y/N was always guarded , he had thought maybe she just didn’t like him but now he saw it. He knew that feeling , he had had it many times before specially after he got out of the 1994 Prison World. 
Kai pushed himself off the door and sat on the floor opposite her trying to catch her gaze. “Oh-kay. If you don’t want to talk , don’t talk.”
Kai reached inside his pocket pulling his phone out. “Do you want to see some really embarrassingpictures of me as a kid ? Weird how some of them had survived after all these years. I thought my father had erased all trace of my existence but I went back to Portland before the wedding and there was a whole box with them in the attic.” he said amused , opening the gallery on his phone showing it to her , hoping to get her to relax. “I haven’t shown these to anyone .. and in case you are wondering - I won’t be mad if you laugh. Ohh look - it’s me and my sister in one of those awful matching Christmas sweaters… and here is baby me.” 
Kai kept talking , his finger swishing across the screen switching picture after picture pointing and laughing.
“Am I annoying you ? Damon says I talk too much… ” he said , leaving his phone on the floor next to him.
“No.” Y/N said quietly. “I’m … I’m just … I g-get nervous arou-nd people.”
“You have a lovely voice.” he said not taking his eyes off her. He wanted to get her to smile , to talk to him. “And you don’t have to be nervous around me. I get it. … Hey , do you want to hear the story of how I accidentally set my room on fire when I was 14 ? It was hilarious , I had siphoned some magic - accidentally of course…”
Y/N glanced at him for a second before looking away not believing him for a second. With Kai there were rarely any accidents.
“… and tried to light up a few candles , but instead the curtains caught on fire and Jo ran into the room to see what all the smoke was about…” he trailed off noticing her eyes on him. “..and then my father came in , I cloaked my self in a second flash , of course. The look on his face though - ”
Kai imitated his father’s face - eyes wide , hands on his head pulling at his hair ,  his mouth semi open in shock  … and then he started laughing. Y/N broke into laughter too. 
“There it is.” Kai said smiling. “That smile … ” he reached pinching her cheek gently ,  Y/N pulled away. “Sorry , I didn’t meant to over step …”
“N-no. It’s o-kay. May I ?” she said pointing to his phone. “I kind of want to see those pictures …”
Kai moved to sit next to her , handing her his phone their hands touching for a split second. Y/N unlocked the screen - some nature shot - and opened the gallery. Kai didn’t even look nervous as most people would if someone else is scrolling through their phone. There weren’t many pictures , maybe 20 or 30 and a part of her was flattered he was letting her see them , the other part was terrified she’d get another anxiety attack and scare him off.
“Awwh … you were so cute back then!” Y/N said switching pictures of Kai when he was maybe 7 or 8 years old. Kai stared at her accusatory. 
“Back then ? Erhm hellooo ?!” he said pointing at his face. “Don’t you see this face?!”
Y/N laughed at his shocked expression. “I said you were cute back then , now you are kind of … I don’t know. Hot ?”
Kai laughed a little at her comment happy to hear her laugh. She switched to another picture , a 6 year old Kai with missing front tooth smiling and holding a hand turkey drawing. His hair had been a little bit longer and absolutely messy. He looked happy , genuinely happy. 
This must’ve been taken before his parents found out he was a siphon. she thought. Y/N couldn’t help but smile. She turned towards Kai who hadn’t taken his eyes off her. “You know … Your family made a mistake treating you the way they did. You are actu-ally quite awesome and kind… even if you build walls to protect yourself and let everyone think you’re not a good person.” she said giving him back his phone.
“What about you?” he asked curious studying her face. “I know it’s your birthday… You should be down there celebrating with your friends instead of here with me.”
“Yeah … n-no.” she said her gaze falling on the ground again.“N-not with .. all these people. I don’t even k-know half of them.” 
All of the sudden she felt her anxiety try to make a comeback. It was one thing spending time with Kai and her friends , but around other people … 
Kai felt he had pushed it a bit far and wanted to fix it. Y/N was nice , loving when she lets go. He looked around the room an idea forming in his mind.. but what he needed was missing. 
“Stay here. I’ll be right back.” he said whooshing out of the room. He sneaked into the kitchen , snatching a cupcake from the counter , checked a few of the drawers finding the birthday candles , noticing a second later that Stefan was starring at him. 
“What are you doing … exactly?” Stefan asked curious. 
Kai grinned. “Wouldn’t you like to know… ” 
A second later he was gone , picking up one last thing on his way back up. He sneaked a peek into the room - Y/N was right where he had left her. Kai used his magic , dulling the light inside a little making her turn towards him with a confused expression on her face.
“Close your eyes.” he said. Y/N tilted her head slightly but did as asked. 
“I don’t like surprises …” she muttered.
Kai walked towards her , sitting on the floor opposite her. “Trust me , this one you will like.” He carefully pushed a birthday candle on top of the cupcake , hiding his other surprise behind his back. “Ready ?” 
Y/N nodded. 
“Open your eyes.” he said. Y/N opened her eyes slowly , taking a peek at first and her eyes widened a little. Kai was holding the chocolate cupcake in the palm of his hand , closed his eyes for a second lighting up the candle with magic. “It’s not a birthday cake , I couldn’t sneak it upstairs even if I tried. Damon would kill me on the spot. ” he laughed nervously. “ … but , it’s your birthday and you have to blow a candle and make a wish.”
The “big bad scary” heretic… she thought with a smile , closing her eyes and making a wish , wishing her anxiety away at least for a day.

Kai couldn’t explain to himself why he cared so much.  He had never done anything like that for anyone before , but the more they talked the more he realised he wanted to be her friend… if only he could get her to open up somehow. He reached behind his back pulling out a dried rose.  He spun the flower stalk in his hands muttering a spell , bringing the flower back to life. The look on Y/N’s face was a complete awe. 
“Happy birthday !” he said giving it to her.
“Thank you.” she said with a shy smile. “Why are you being so nice to me ?” she asked twirling the rose in her hands , bringing it to her nose taking in its scent closing her eyes for a second.
*click* A camera sound made her look up.  
‘Woww’ Kai mouthed looking at the picture he had just taken. 
“Kai ! What … No.” she shook her head covering her face with her hands looking at him through cracks in between her fingers. Kai was making funny faces , squishing his cheeks  , sticking his tongue out , putting his hands on his head waving his fingers.
“Who knew you were such a goofball.” she said laughing. “Come here , you want pictures ? Let’s take pictures.”
Kai smiled and scooted over to her , Y/N snatching his phone from his hands. He blew his cheeks while she stuck her tongue out. *click* He put his arm around her shoulder pinching her cheek while she looked surprised. *click* She surprised him with a kiss on the cheek , snapping a picture. 
“I like you , you are fun… Hey maybe we can be friends ? It would annoy the hell out of Damon and that would be a nice bonus.”  he said amused.
“Shut up.” she said playfully punching his shoulder.
They kept on taking pictures , playing with different filters and somehow without realising it , her anxiety had gone away.
Kai heard someone coming up the stairs and glanced at the door right in time to see a Salvatore standing at the door.
“Kai … I thought I told you not to come up here.” Damon said starring at Kai and Y/N sitting on the floor about to take another selfie. 
“Uh-oh … the party police is here.” she burst into laughter. “Relax, Damon … we were just talking.”
“Yeah … ” Damon said pulling out his phone. “I can see you ‘just talking’ … in like 15 selfies on Instagram and … what’s up with those filters on Snapchat ?”
Kai grinned. “Did you see the puppy filter ? It’s hilarious !”
“Can I talk to our frenemy here for a moment ?” Damon asked motioning for Kai to follow him. Kai reluctantly followed him outside and Damon pinned him to the wall his hand wrapped around his neck. 
“Wow , relax Damon. We were just talking … I’m not planing on hurting her if that’s what you are worried about. In fact I kind of like her.” Kai said pushing him off.
“That’s whats worrying me twirp…”
Y/N showed up at the door a second later , poking Kai with her finger , a small smile on her face. “So .. where’s my birthday cake ?” she asked Damon , who looked back and forth between Y/N and Kai. In the end he and Stefan had had the right idea with inviting Kai over. 
“It’s um … it’s downstairs… We can bring it up here if you want ? I know things got a little out of control with the amount of people down there…” Damon said.
Y/N shook her head slightly , grabbing Kai’s hand who looked surprised for a moment and then a small smile showed on his face.
“I-I think I’ll be fine … as long as he gets to stay… unharmed. Think of it as a birthday present.” she said

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