You come after me

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Reader goes searching for Kai in the woods during full moon.

Full moon. 
On those days usually all her friends spent together in the Salvatore house , just in case Tyler got lose from the Lockwood cellar. None of them wanted to encounter his toxic werewolf teeth , specially with Klaus being all the way in New Orleans. Y/N went to the Grill to pick up some curly fries and bring them over to the Salvatore’s and enjoy a nice evening with all of them. Except when she got there , there was someone missing.
“Where is Kai ?” asked Y/N, taking out a pack with curly fries from the paper bag she had gotten from their favourite place. “Isn’t he supposed to be here by now ?”
“He .. is not coming.” 
“What do you mean he is not coming ?” wondered Y/N , bracing her hands on the Damon’s fancy alcohol table. “It’s full moon. I know you are not his biggest fans but he is a vampire now. If something -”
“If something happens to him we will have one less problem to deal with.” said Damon taking a sip from his bourbon with a smirk on his face. “The way I see it - its a win win either way.”
Y/N sighed in frustration and turned on her heels , walking towards the front door. If none of her friends cared enough to do something , then it was up to her to find him and get him to safety … somehow.
“Where are you going ?” called out Stefan.
“To find my friend and keep him from being torn apart by my other friend.” she said , not bothering to turn around.
Caroline flashed in front of her blocking her way. 
“Y/N , stay here. You may be a human but that won’t stop Tyler from attacking you if he sees you in the woods.”
“Ahhh … so Tyler is in the woods and not chained up and thats why Mr. its-a-win-win over there is being so chipper.” she crossed her hands on her chest. “Move Caroline. You might not care about what happens to Kai but I do.”
“Why ?” she wondered. “He literally killed his entire family less than 3 months ago. Why do y-”
“I care Caroline. Okay.” she snapped , leaning in to whisper in her ear. “Also your boyfriend kind of killed most of his family too so … stop judging.”
Y/N pushed her way past a very startled looking Caroline and a moment later she was already outside running into the woods. Y/N didn’t know where exactly Kai would be , only thing she knew was that she had to find him. Of course Damon would try and cross him again. Kai crosses Damon and Bonnie back in the Prison World , then they cross him and again. Trapped in a never ending ‘you cross me , I’ll cross you back’ circle. She didn’t even know who was the first that got it all started. Her friends never gave Kai a chance. Among all of them Y/N had been the only one not to judge him and accept him for who he is , giving him the chance he had asked for. If they had , they’d know Kai was actually a really nice person , a total goofball, kind and loving. At least with her he had always been that way. 
The deeper into the woods she ran , the more her determination to find him grew. Even more so each time a wolf hawl could be heard , breaking the silence. Y/N kept running , tripping over a couple of times but she didn’t care. 
“Kai ?” she called out , stopping for a moment to look around. 
Trees. Just trees , the occasional owl and dozens of dried leafs and pine needles everywhere cruching under her feet as she ran. Not even for a moment she thought that she should’ve stayed at the house. Y/N was exactly where she had to be , even if that was in the middle of nowhere trying to track an all powerful vampire / witch hybrid. She broke into a sprint again , tripping over a tree root. Her shoulder rubbed against one of the trees , ripping her sleeve yet she kept running not stopping for a second. Ignoring the warm blood trickling down her shoulder.
“How big are those woods?!” she stopped , bending over and resting her hands on her knees. Y/N looked around hearing for the 10th time a wolf’s howl. Her eyes fluttered closed as she tried to figure out from where the sounds were coming and then broke into a run all over again. All of the sudden someone grabbed her and pinned her to a tree , the person’s hand covering her mouth. Then her eyes adjusted and she saw just who she was looking for.
“Are you trying to get yourself killed ?” whispered Kai. Out of everything he could’ve expected to happen that night , finding Y/N bleeding was not one of them. Damon had tricked him , saying they’d be hanging out at the swimming hole and he had fallen for it thinking that maybe , just maybe they were starting to warm up to him. Apparently not. Only person who cared was Y/N , but running into the woods on a full moon considering she was just a human was more than reckless. It was absolutely borderline insane. Y/N struggled against him , trying to speak. Finally her hand managed to remove his off her mouth.
“I am actually trying to prevent you from getting torn apart by a werewolf.” she said in a hushed voice , running her fingers through her hair. The relief of finding him , more like him finding her rushed through her body so fast it made her a little dizzy. It hadn’t hit her how much she truly cared about him and how much she loved him until the moment her eyes had met his a second ago. “Come on. We have to go. Now.” 
Y/N took a few steps reaching for Kai’s hand when suddenly something tackled her on the ground. Tyler. He was in a wolf form , his mouth snarling at her and it looked like he was trying to bite her face off. She struggled , trying to keep his teeth away from her and avoid the spit that came with it. Only one thought pushing through her mind. Y/N didn’t care what would happen to her as long as he got away safely.
“Run Kai!” she shouted. “RUN!”
Kai stood there frozen for a moment , looking at Tyler on top of Y/N , ready to bite her head off . It felt as if an important detail from his relationship with her had surfaced in his mind. Y/N was about to be torn apart by a wolf , one of her closest friends too, but the only thing she cared about was Kai getting away. She cared about him so much she was ready to give her own life just to make sure he got away safely. Thing was - Kai was prepared to do the same for her. Ever since she had walked into his life , everything had changed. His entire life had shifted completely. How hadn’t he realised it before ? Without Y/N in his life , his existance was meaningless. He couldn’t leave her , he didn’t want to and wasn’t planing on it either.
“Motus.” muttered Kai , pushing Tyler off Y/N with magic. “Bad doggy.”
Tyler went flying across the clearing , hitting one of the trees so hard , the tree cracked and started to fall. He whimpered in pain but quickly recovered and growled at them. Kai grabbed Y/N in vampire speed , whoosing them a few meters away before pulling her into his arms holding her tightly. Her eyes showed surprise and something else he couldn’t quite put his finger on. 
“Are you okay ?”
Y/N only nodded , feeling shaken from what had just happened. Her mind kept spinning trying to make sense of what had happened. Kai could’ve easily left her there, but he hadn’t even tho she had told him to run. Y/N had always known there is good in him yet she was still surprised. Her entire life there hadn’t been a single person willing to face certain death for her. Things could’ve gone in a completely different direction - Tyler could’ve jumped back at Kai , tackled him on the ground and Y/N wouldn’t have been able to do anything stop it. 
“Why are you looking at me like that ?” she wondered , noticing how Kai was looking at her as if seeing her for the first time. Something flashed in his eyes for a second , too fast for her to completely understand what it was.
He cleared his throat , ignoring her question.
“Lets get out of here.” said Kai , a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He held onto her tightly and whooshed them away out of the woods and into his apartment. Kai pushed his feet off the ground with every ounce of strenght he had , landing on the open balcony. A moment later he let Y/N sit down down on the couch and went to find a first aid kid to clean her wounds. On his way , Kai took out a blanket for her to make sure the chill coming outside the open window wouldn’t get her sick. He’d be damned if he let any harm come to her. Ever.
“You are absolutely crazy.” he muttered sitting down on the couch next to her , opening the med kit. “What were you thinking running into the woods on a full moon with a werewolf on the loose ?! Tell you what - you weren’t thinking at all ! How can you be so reckless ?!”
“You. I was thinking about you.” she said quietly.
Kai stopped for a moment and stared at her attempting to process her words.
“Me ? You - you ran into the woods because of me ?” he wondered , a nervous smile on his face. Y/N could hear the surprise in his voice. “I am a hybrid. Your buddy Tyler can’t kill me that easily. You however - he most certain can. Werewolfs have no control over themselvs when they transform. You could’ve been torn apart. Why …why would you risk it?”
Y/N sighed , gazing into his eyes. Something had changed in them , there was a warmth she hadn’t seen before. And worry. Of course he was right - he could take care of himself but the thought of losing him scared her to death. Way more than any vampire , original , werewolf or any other supernatural creature ever could.
“Because … I couldn’t bear losing you.”
Kai felt his breath get hitched in his throat at her words. Her voice was a little louder than a whisper but the way she said it - lovingly , as if thats the most important thing she had said in his life. He wanted to say something to her but instead he just kept cleaning up the wound on her shoulder , which seemed to be a bit deeper than he had expected. Y/N flinched in pain a couple of times. Her words playing on the repeat in Kai’s mind the entire time. 
What does that mean ? wondered Kai.
He pulled out a bandage and covered the wound.
“You know , that would heal a lot faster with vampire blood.” he said. “At least you don’t need stitches. I’ve never stiched a wound before. I bet that would’ve hurt like hell.”
Y/N’s eyes were fixed on his and it was like she hadn’t even heard him. (Truth to be told , she had been so lost in his eyes she hadn’t heard a single sylable of what he had said.) Kai found himself drawn to her , more than ever as if everything he felt towards her had been magnified. He brushed the palm of his hand against her cheek , the corners of his mouth twitching hearing her heart starting to race the second he touched her. Y/N leaned into his hand , her eyes drifting between his eyes and his lips. Kai was leaning in towards her and either he was imagining it or she was leaning in towards him too. Their lips met in a soft gentle kiss at first and Kai slowly backed her against the couch until he was nearly on top of her. Her fingers tangled in his hair and she pulled him closer to her. The kiss getting more and more demanding by the second. Their lips moved in perfect sync with each other , as if that wasn’t their first kiss. With each moment Kai felt hunger burn inside him , a different kind of hunger. He wantedher. To kiss her , touch her and have her in his arms forever. There was no version of his life without her in it. Not anymore. Y/N flinched in pain feeling her shoulder glazing against the armrest of the couch.
Kai laughed under his breath helping her back into sitting position and bit his wrist. There was no hessitation , no questions - their eyes met in a silent exchange and Y/N’s fingers held around his wrist as she was feeding on him , feeling his warm blood trickle down her throat. A blink of an eye later her shoulder stopped hurting and all her scratches closed. 
“Thank you.”
“Any time.” he said clearing his throat. Kai got up taking the blood covered cotton balls and the rest of the first aid-trash , throwing it in the bin in the kitchen. Kissing her had felt amazing. Electrifying. He had never thought a kiss could feel like that. A moment later he returned to the living room and saw she wasn’t there. Part of him felt crushed thinking maybe he had scared her off. Then he saw her standing on the balcony. A blanket covering her shoulders as she stared at the night sky. Her heart was racing and he wondered why that was.
“Enjoying the view?” asked Kai , standing barely a step away from her. Y/N turned towards him with a smile on her face and a glow in her eyes. Was he imagining it or did she move closer to him ?
“Maybe.” she said shyly smiling at the ground. The night sky covered with twinkling stars and the full moon ahead was beautiful but seeing Kai made her heart stop for a moment. The memory of their first kiss sent butterflies in her stomach.
Kai wanted nothing more than to kiss her again but he wasn’t sure she’d want that too. Then her hand reached for his , holding onto him tightly. His finger traced her jawline , tilting her chin up a bit until her eyes met his. 
Y/N’s breath got caught in her throat. It had been a few minutes but she could still feel the lingering feeling of Kai’s soft lips on hers. The feeling of electricity coursing through her , waking up ever fibre in her body getting more magnified with him standing this close to her now. Touching her. 
Kai gave her hand a little squeeze and a smile spread across his face.
“What are you thinking about ?” she wondered.
“You.” he said simply. “The bravest human in all of Mystic Falls. So brave she thought she can take on a werewolf on a full moonwithout any weapons or anything. Not even a cellphone.”
“I am not that brave.” she said quietly.
He brushed his palm against her cheek and the moment he touched her , Kai could hear her heart rate turn uneven - skipping a beat and then beating like a hummingbirds wings and skipping a beat here and there again. 
“Yes. You are.” he said , pausing for a moment. “I never said 'thank you’ for coming to look for me…”
“..and almost getting myself killed.” she laughed nervously.
“Almost.” he smiled , gazing into her eyes.
A long moment passed and then Kai leaned in , their lips meeting again. The blanket fell off her shoulders onto the ground. Y/N didn’t need it. All she needed was Kai. Her hands hooked around his neck , rubbing the hair on the back of his neck while his hands snaked around her waist pulling her closer to him. It was as if a someone had started a wild fire and none of them minded being burned by it. Kai backed her against the small balcony door , not breaking the kiss for a second. His body pressed against hers wanting to feel every inch of it against his. Then suddenly he pulled away. Y/N’s hand hung in the air , her eyes still closed for a moment. When she opened them Kai was standing in front of her , smiling widely at her. He was waiting for her to say something , only she was at a lost for words.
“Damn.” she whispered smiling. Y/N took a step towards him and pushed her feet off the ground , jumping into his arms the next second. Her legs hitched around his waist. “Can we … um … would you -”
“Kiss you again ? Sweetheart , I won’t ever stop.”
“Then what are you waiting for?“she smiled.

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