Under the stars - Smut

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Reader feels insecure because of all the supernatural girls throwing themselves at Kai and she doesn't feel like she is good enough.

Almost a year since Y/N and Kai had started dating and every day felt like the first. They loved , supported and cared for each other more than any of them would care to admit. Their life together was perfect , well as perfect as life in Mystic Falls could be with all the supernaturals. There hadn’t been any threats lately , so from that side things were calm but from the other - word had spread about Kai being the all powerful leader of the Gemini coven (even tho most of them were dead) vampire witch hybrid. A lot of vampires and witches even werewolfs rolled into town to meet him and every single girl of them threw herself onto him. They’d giggle around him , laugh at his jokes even when they weren’t funny , feeling his musles , buying him drinks… Y/N knew he loved her and she had seen multiple times how he turns the girls down because of her , but the more that happened the more Y/N felt like she wasn’t good enough for him. Like she was holding him back from the life that he could have with a supernatural girlfriend. Being human felt amazing but the past few months it felt more like a burden. They had talked about her turning into a vampire but he kept insisting on her staying human , at least for the time being. Y/N knew it wasn’t because he didn’t want her to be one , he just wanted her to have a full human life , for as long as possible before their eternity together begins. Only until that happened , there was a lot of time and he could change his mind about being with her… and that only fueled her insecurity about not being enough.

Y/N sat with Elena at the sofa at the Salvatore’s , the music muffling most of her words. It was a party for Stefan’s birthday and of course over the years , he had made a lot of vampire acquaintances all of which were at the party. The guys were fine , the girls … they were too busy hitting on Kai the entire night , not even remotely frazzled by the fact he had a girlfriend who was sitting right there. Her eyes followed Kai across the room as he went to get them drinks. Every girl on his way turned after him , looking at him with desire. Every one of them threw themselves on him but he kept rejecting them. Kai only had eyes for his girl.
Y/N could see Kai through the crowd talking to some girl near the keg. She kept batting her eyelashes at him and feeling his musles. Y/N could see it all across the room - she was a vampire , not the first one to hit on Kai the past few hours either. Y/N couldn’t blame them. Kai was absolutely irresistable , with his perfect chizzled jaw , those sexy blue eyes …
“He loves you Y/N.” said Elena snapping her back from her thoughts. “I never thought I’d be defending him of all people… but that much I know. It’s in his eyes every time he is around you and even when he is not. He wouldn’t cheat on you.”
“I know… its just …” she sighed. “I’m human. He is a vampire.”
“Trust me , I get it.” said Elena. “I’ve been where you are… ”
Y/N dropped her head in her hands.
“I don’t think you do. I feel like I am holding him back.” 
“You are not holding him back.” said Elena , rubbing her back. “If anything , you are doing the opposite. He was a completely different person before meeting you.”
“But I am holding him back Elena!” she raised her voice a little. “He can’t be himself with me , not completely anyways. I can’t give him what they can. I’m not .. I’m not good enough for him. Arhh , being a human sucks…”
Elena started to say something but quickly stopped herself noticing Kai coming over. He was vampire now and probably had already heard their conversation but she didn’t want to risk her friend getting into an awkward situation right in the middle of the party. Kai reached them in a few steps , swiftly avoiding all the people dancing and ignoring every single girl who tried to pull him towards her. Elena glanced at him then at Y/N and a moment later got pulled away by Damon.
“Here you go ..” he said passing Y/N a red plastic cup. He sat next to her and putting his arm over her shoulder. 
“Thanks.” mumbled Y/N taking a sip. Her eyes drifted across the room noticing how pretty much all girl’s eyes were on him. There it was again - that feeling. 
“I love you.” whispered Kai in her ear , snaking his hands around her waist and pulling her onto his lap until she was sitting sideways on it. Kai rested his head on the crook of her neck , placing gentle kisses on it. One of his hands slid up her hip towards her stomach , making her cheeks flush when he stopped at her lower stomach. He smiled at her , noticing the sudden change in her heart beat. “Do you want to go home ?” 
“Mhmm…” she hummed , starting to lose focus thinking how close his hands are too close to her core. Y/N got up reaching her hand for Kai. He intertwined their fingers together and both of them walked outside. His eyes were on her the entire time , seeing only her and no one else. They walked to his car , only Kai didn’t open the doors. Instead he pinned her against the car door , drowning her in a deep passionate kiss.
“I want to show you something.” he whispered.
“I thought we were going home?” 
“We are..” he winked at her , opening the passanger door for her. “Just taking the long way.”
They drove mostly in silence. Y/N didn’t feel like talking and she was starting to get the sneaky suspicion he had heard her conversation with Elena. The entire way he held onto her hand until the moment she pulled it away , running her fingers through her hair as an excuse. 
“You heard , didn’t you?”
“Heard what?” 
Y/N turned towards him trying to figure out if he was pretending or not. 
Truth was - he had heard what she had said to Elena earlier and he couldn’t belive Y/N thought she wasn’t good enough for him and that she was holding him back. It was more like the opposite. He always felt like he is not good enough to have someone like her in his life after all the terrible things he had done. However Kai planned on proving to her , she was more than good enough for him and was in no way holding him back. He took a sharp turn down the road leading to the woods.
“Where are we going ?” she wondered , moving a little closer to the front window. It was already dark outside and the only light shining through came from the full moon overhead and the car’s headlights. Kai didn’t answer her. In a minute he parked the car and both of them walked outside. He smiled at her , taking her hand and led her into the woods.
“Thirdy steps , 5th tree on the right …” he muttered to himself.
Kai turned towards her with a small smile on his face. Y/N recognised the place and she knew exactly why they were there. It was the place she had realised her feelings for him and Kai knew that which meant he had heard everything she had said at the party.
“Why are we here?” she asked already knowing the answer.
“Because the night is young and the stars are so beautiful tonight -”
“Yeah , no. I can’t do this Kai …” she turned around starting to walk back towards the car. Kai grabbed her hand and pinned her to the tree clearly not accepting ‘no’ as an answer. He didnt look angry or upset , he looked determinated.
“Just like that night, remember ?” he said smiling. “Tyler had wolfed out and you knew I was out here somewhere because Damon had lied to me about where everyone would be , keeping themselves safe. You were running into the woods trying to find me and then I found youinstead pinning you to this exact same tree. Only my hand was over your mouth trying to make sure you won’t scream.”
“How can I forget?” whispered Y/N. She had leaped headfirst into danger that night , running in the dark with no flashlight , no phone with only one thought in her head - find Kai. “I freed myself out of your grip taking a few steps to the right getting ready to grab your hand and run when Tyler tackled me onto the ground.”
“And instead of screaming ‘help me help me’ you yelled ‘run , Kai , RUN’.” he said suppressing a laugh. “You were ready to die that night to give me the chance to run. So what I can’t figure out is … how did this girl suddenly feels insecure and says she is not good enough for me.”
“Liar.” she muttered. 
“I havent told you this but in that moment I knew.” said Kai softly completely ignoring her comment. “I knew there was no versionof my life without you in it. Y/N how can’t you see it ? You give me more than any of these girls ever could.”
Y/N’s eyes looked everywhere but at him. She tried to get free with no luck. It wasn’t like he was holding her too strong , it was more like part of her didn’t want to get free from his grip.
“When you are in the room , its like the sun is there and everything is so much brighter and vibrant.” said Kai softly. “None of those girls compare to you. Not now , not ever. I only wat you and only you. Always.”
“Kai please ..”
“No , Y/N. I am not letting you go until you see what I see.”
“I am human , Kai ! A boring stupid human who can’t do anyth-”
Kai interrupted her with a kiss. 
“How can’t you see how brave and strong you are? Yes , you are human but to me that means more to me than you can imagine.” said the young heretic , with a loving tone. “You have saved my life so many times in so many days. I could’ve died for good the night of the wedding , but you stood up to Damon. A nearly two century old vampire , one of the scariest people I know. Don’t tell him I said that by the way or I’ll never hear the end of it.” he said a little amused making Y/N laugh. 
Kai couldn’t help but smile seeing her smile and seeing her laugh. 
“There it is. That smile that every time makes me feel like I am not a dead bloodsucking demon.” said Kai amused.
“Shut up.” she laughed feeling Kai’s grip loosen a little allowing her to wrap her arms around him. “You are not a demon, Kai.” she said quietly. “You are an angel.”
Kai suppressed a smile hearing her words. He was no angel , he knew that but to her he was one.
“Remember when Damon called you insane for even believing there is a shred of good in me ?” he said quietly. “And then you slapped him once for that comment and then again when he tried to compell you away so he can finish what he wanted to do. I was delirious at the time because of the werewolf bite but I remember the confidence , that brave ‘I-will-defend-my-friend-damn-the-consequences’ look you had in your eyes.”
“I remember.” she mumbled. Damon had surprisingly backed away that night, but ever since he had used every chance to get rid of Kai up until Y/N and Kai had started dating. “But I’m not -”
“Stop with the ‘but’s , Y/N.” said Kai , pulling away far enough so he could look her in the eyes as he spoke. “You are the most beautiful , graceful , kind , brave , strong , fierce , incredbile young woman with a mind like a razor blade I have ever met and I would be completely lost without you. You , Y/N. You are my light in the darkness , and I love you my entire self. I still can’t believe it’s been a year and you are still with me… that you have chosen to love me.
Y/N felt her cheeks flush at his words. She loved him with all her heart , despite his flaws and everything he had done. They had had an immidiate connection since the first moment they had met , the kind of connection you read in books and see in movies. It had taken them a few months but they found their way to each other. Kai had been her first crush , her first kiss , her first everything and until she had met him , her life had been gray then everything had turned technicolor.
Kai drowned her in a kiss , telling her everything he couldn’t put into words. Pushing every emotion he felt towards her into the kiss as he slowly backed her against the tree again. His body pressed against hers so closely , there was no space between them. He placed soft kisses down her jaw towards her neck making her knees go weak and feel like she was both on fire and floating on a cloud at the same time. No one could ever make her feel the way Kai does - happy beyond words, and in that moment something inside her clicked. All the insecurity started draining away.
“I love you. With everything that I have , I love you.” he whispered. “It will always be only you.”
Kai knew Y/N only needed a reminder about the person she is and the spark in her eyes told him he was almost there.
Y/N cupped his face looking into his eyes. “You really mean it ?”
“Every sylable of every single word.” 
Her lips pressed against his , pulling him closer to her. She tangled her fingers in his hair , gripping on it lightly. 
“Wait here.” he whispered , leaving her alone with her back resting against the tree. A few seconds later Kai was back with a blanket.
“Where do you even keep that ?!” she wondered , helping Kai spread the blanket on the ground.
“Its a secret.” he winked at her , sitting down on the blanket. “Come here.I know how much you like starring at the stars. Its still early and you don’t have classes tomorrow so…”
Y/N stared at him , completely out of words. A night under the stars with Kai was one of her most favourite things in the world. It had also been how their first date had ended - they had gone to the movies and had stopped by 'only for an hour’ because she had wanted to see the meteor shower that night. Instead their hour had turned out into 'until the sun comes up in the morning’.
“Don’t make me come get you.” teased Kai. 
Y/N didn’t move an inch , her eyes fixed on his daring him to come and get her. She brought up her hand , pretending to look at her nails for a moment before looking back at him. 
“Come get me then.” 
Y/N winked at him and took a step back. A low growl escaped his lips , his vampirism showing for a split second before a smile spread across his face and he got up after her , catching her barely a few seconds later. He pinned her to one of the trees , his lips smashing against hers and his crotch pressing against hers , moaning into the kiss. A moment later he had tackled her on the ground , pinning her on to the blanket.
“You like it when I chase you , don’t you?” 
“Almost as much as you like chasing me.” she laughed.
“You know what I like more ?” he asked with a michevious spark in his eyes. 
Before Y/N had had time to answer his lips crashed against hers and his body firmly pressed onto hers. Her hands slid up and down his back , pulling his shirt up a little giving Kai an idea.
“You know , we have never done it under the stars.” he whispered , his hot breath hitting her face making her head spin. “We might scare a good portion of the wild animals but … What do you think ?”
“I think - ” she trailed off and slipped her hand between their bodies until she reached the noticable bulge in his jeans , squeezing it lightly. Her eyes were focused on his , noticing how they were turning a darker shade of blue with each passing second. “- that actions speak louder than wor-”
Kai’s lips collided with hers again not letting her finish , kissing her so hard her lips hurt a bit. It was like things were happening both too fast and too slow. Y/N’s hands pulled his shirt over his head , tossing it onto the ground next to them. He pinned her hands over her head , slipping his hand under her shirt , rubbing soft circles around her belly button before sliding his hand towards her jeans and pushing it in. Her panties were already soaked and he had barely started. Kai couldn’t help but smile hearing her moan his name as he drew soft circles on her clit. Y/N’ eyes fluttered closed and open , her back arching a little off the ground. He rested his forehead on hers , not taking his eyes off hers seeing them ignite the faster his fingers played with her clit. She bit her lip feeling a finger dip inside her , curling around slowly. Kai was planning on burning her alive , just like every time they were together.
“Kiss me.” she whispered and not a split second he was taking her breath away. Kai added another finger making it two , curling them inside her slowly then a little faster and slow again and even faster turning her into a whimpering mess. Her stomach felt as if it was anchored down , the burning feeling between her legs building up more and more each time his fingers curled inside her.
“Fuck Kai.” she moaned a little louder feeling her walls clench around his fingers , the cold of his ring adding more to it. Her back arched off the ground a little higher , pressing her chest against his , feeling about to tip over the edge. He pushed his fingers in a little rougher , curling them fast and repeating again and again until her orgasm tore through her body. Y/N whipered and squirmed under him moaning his name. Kai kissed her lips then left kisses down her jawline and onto her neck , pulling out his fingers bringing them to his mouth to lick them clean. Her mind was spinning more and more seeing his tongue and lips rub slowly against his fingers. She bit her lower lip , not taking her eyes off his. 
“Damn …” she whispered , her mind drowning in thoughts of him eating her up and her mouth around his thick shaft. 
Seeing her bite her lip drove Kai crazier every time she did that. Her hips bucked up towards him and he smirked at her. She could see a dozen devils dancing in his eyes as his hands gripped on her shirt tearing it straight off her , then gripping on her jeans ripping them off along with her panties. Y/N covered her face with her hands for a moment before looking back at him, smiling widely the entire time. 
“I love it when you do that.” 
He crawled over her in vampire speed kissing her fiercely , intertwining his fingers with hers , holding them on either side of her head. His crotch pressed onto hers , grinding against hers harder than ever. Y/N moaned into the kiss bucking her hips up to meet his and rolled on top of him , running her hands over his bare chest. 
Kai was looking at her with such a longing loving gaze , she felt her heart flutter. Y/N leaned in kissing his neck , leaving soft kisses all over his chest trailing her way down his stomach. Kai couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was so beautiful , even more so in that exact moment with the moonlight shining on her face and reflecting in her eyes. It still escaped him how she thought she wasn’t good enough for him. Ever since they had met it felt like they were made for each other , two pieces of the same puzzle finally reunited. Her fingers tickled the hair on his stomach as she made her way down to his thick shaft , stroking him through his jeans. Kai prompted himself onto his elbows unable to look away from her.
“You are driving me crazy.” he sighed , as her fingers swiftly undoing the buttons/zipper of his jeans , pulling them down a little. Y/N pressed her mouth onto his shaft through his briefs letting her hot breath onto it and humming a tune as she did.
“Likewise.” Y/N smiled , her eyes never leaving his.
Kai’s eyes gleamed in the darkness ,driving her crazier by the second. He was looking at her with curious eyes , soft moans leaving his parted lips feeling her fingers draw slow circles on his shaft through his briefs. Y/N darted her tongue out , slowly licking a stripe from top to bottom. With Kai’s help she pulled off his jeans off and crawled back on top of him. Her hips rested on his lap and she straddled him for a while , feeling herself getting wetter by the second. Even through the fabric she could feel his hard length twitch. Kai loved the few in front of him , seeing her eyelids fluttering closed for a second while she pushed her core down on his shaft straddling him faster. He placed his hands on her hips falling into their rhythm instantly. Kai watched her hands cupping her breasts , playing with them through her bra for a short moment before reaching her hand behind her back and unclasping it. He held his lower lip between his teeth , watching her smile innocently at him , her hands squeezing her breasts and pinching on her nipples at the same time.
“Damn it Y/N.” he sighed , reaching his hands to replace hers rolling her hardened nipples between his index and middle fingers. A soft moan tumbled off her lips and a split second later Kai was on top of her , taking her breath away with a kiss. He was rarely able to control himself around her and seeing her do things always pushed him over the edge.
Y/N hadn’t even realised when his briefs had been taken off until he sheated himself inside her with one deep hard thrust, making her scream out.
“FUcK Kai..”
He laughed for a second at her reaction - her eyes had rolled in her sockets , her mouth hung open and her body had arched off the ground. Kai could hear her heart beat racing trying to catch up with her breathing with no luck.
“Did I catch you by surprise princess?” asked Kai a little amused. Somehow he always surprised her , taking her breath away without even trying. Their eyes met and Y/N tried to form words to answer him only she couldn’t. He had angled himself perfectly and each time his thick shaft pushed inside her , she could feel him hit her spot setting her on fire. Kai pressed his lips onto hers , feeling her hands holding tightly onto his back. Each thrust made her body jolt forward , leaving her completely breathless.
“Yes , but I love your surpises.”
Y/N wound her legs around his waist. Her nails dug into his back a little deeper every time he buried himself into her. Kai had started at a slow steady pace , quickly picking up until there was barely a second between each time his hard length pumped inside and out of her. Every single being in the woods could probably hear her loud moans , Kai’s groans and the sound of flesh on flesh breaking the silence. 
“Fuck Kai I’m c-close..”
Her walls contracted around his shaft more and more , feeling another orgasm approaching fast. She dug her nails into his back drawing blood as her release washed over her. Y/N could see stars tho she wasn’t sure if those were the actual stars or because of Kai. Her hands fell to her sides and Kai intertwined his fingers with hers , holding her hands over her head. Not slowing down for a moment but going even faster using his vampirism to do so. His thick shaft twitched inside her as he got closer to his release. A low growl came deep from his throat feeling her walls clench around him again. 
“Fuck you are so tight.” he grunted.
Y/N could feel every inch of his thick shaft inside her , burning her up. Her eyes rolled in her sockets and she could barely focus on anything besides Kai , his hands holding hers and having him inside her. Her heart was racing so fast , as if trying to leap out of her chest , all beats blurring into one. 
Kai rested his forehead on hers , his eyes focused on hers , his breath intoxicating her even more than his touch has. She gripped his hands tightly feeling closer and closer to yet another release , only this time she chose to hold it and wait for him knowing how much he loves it when they finish together. His thrusts had began to become sloppier and his hard length twitched inside her a moment before he came in hot spurts inside her. Y/N let go , her orgasm tearing through her body along with Kai’s. His lips found hers , pulling her in a deep passionate kiss , as he rode through both their orgasms. He collapsed on top of her , placing gentle kisses on her neck feeling her heartbeat somehow matching his beat by beat. 
“My beautiful Y/N..” he whispered , his lips almost touching her skin as spoke. “.. I love you.”
“I love you more.” she said running her fingers through his hair. 
Kai pulled himself up , gazing into her eyes seeing them glow like never before. She was smiling ear to ear , gripping lightly on his hair pulling him closer to her lips until he kissed her again. Y/N tugged on his lower lip at the end of the kiss making him go crazier about her.
“I love seeing you like that.” he said smiling.
“How ?” she wondered.
“Messy hair , glowing eyes , wide smile on your face …” he trailed off. His hand reached , removing a leaf from her hair , holding it in front of her eyes for a moment before both of them started laughing. Kai kissed her deeply again before rolling onto the blanket next to her and pulling her closer to him.
“Are you cold?” he asked feeling a cold breeze blow around them. His hands automatically reached for the other end of the blanket to pull it over her. 
“Are you kidding?” replied Y/N smiling. “I am burning up.”

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