Back from hell

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Reader is a witch and a friend of Kai. She helps him get out of Hell and control his vampirism because she is in love with him.

After escaping Hell , Kai thought that this was it - he was given a second chance to live but soon he realised he wasn’t actually alive. Part of him was still stuck in Cade’s psychic dimension and if he was to stay out of Hell , he’d need help… and there was only one person he could trust with this.

It was already dark outside and Kai had no idea what time it was but judging by how empty the streets of Mystic Falls were , probably around 1-2AM. He walked for about half an hour before he found himself in front of Y/N house. Funny how his time in Hell hadn’t erased the memory of her. Most other things seemed fuzzy but not his memories of  Y/N. 
There was no light coming from the inside and for a moment Kai hesitated - he was going to wake her up, but there was no other choice. He took a deep breath and rang the doorbell a few times. A few minutes later Y/N opened the door. She was in her pjs. Kai felt a peck of guilt for waking her up. She glanced at him and her face went pale , as if she had seen a ghost.
“Hey.” Kai said nervously , pausing for a second. Y/N looked the same except her hair was a little shorter than the last time he’d seen her. ‘Mind if I come in ?’ 
Y/N stood frozen in shock at the door.
“You look like you have just seen a ghost…” he laughed.
“K-kai ?“ she stammered. It wasn’t possible. She had seen him die , Damon killed him … “Is it really you?”
He laughed a little. “Um yeah , I’m back. Sort of. Miss me ?”
Y/N seemed to snap out of her initial shock and she pulled him into a hug. 
“Oh my God!” she said , happiness and relief in her voice. “I thought I’d never see you again ! Come in.” Y/N said realising why he was stuck at the door at first - being a vampire now , he needed to be invited in.

Kai stepped inside and pulled her into another hug. Y/N was the only one of the Mystic Falls gang who never judged him or hated him. She was, in a way, his best friend and it only just hit him how much he had missed her… but their reunion celebration would have to wait.
She closed the door and they walked into the living room. 
“How are you here ?” Y/N asked unable to take her eyes off of him. 
“I am not sure exactly. I was in Hell and suddenly I could see Mystic Falls so … I just went for it… I am not alive , tho. I can still touch things so I’m not a ghost more like a psychic imprint.” he started to explain but suddenly seemed lost and sad. “I need your help to get me out of Hell. All the way out.” he added.
The look on Kai’s face surprised Y/N , she had never seen him scared.
“Its horrible there.” he said , his head in his hands “You are on fire all the time and ghosts from your past come to peel your skin off but none of that compares to the horrors you face when Cade shows up. Those are the worst days.”
Kai looked broken and Y/N hated seeing him like that , it was breaking her heart. “Lets get to work then.” she said determination in her voice.  She took Kai’s hand leading him upstairs to the small room where she kept her grimoars.

*** ***   (continues after the cut)    *** ***

Kai kept glancing at Y/N while searching through a pile of grimoars with her. Y/N was still the same person he knew. Even after all this time she was willing to help him , right then and there ,the second he asked. Kai wanted to tell her so many things, like how when he was in Hell the memory of her kept him from slipping away. That of all the things in the world he missed her the most… but he didn’t know how.
Y/N kept reading, completely focused and determined to find the right spell. A memory of her grandmother talking about a spell that could bring back the dead , but … locating the spell was very hard , she had already tried to find it once. Her grandmother had passed away and she couldn’t ask her even if she wanted to , so Y/N kept reading. She wanted more than anything to pull Kai out of Hell.
A few hours passed and just when she was about to give up , on the next page of the grimoar Y/N was reading she found the spell. Her eyes widened and she nearly jumped up from the excitement. Kai had noticed her expression and he looked at her ,hope in his eyes. 
“Found something?” he asked.
“Yes ! Thats the spell my grandmother had told me about.” Y/N gave him the grimoar so he can check it out too. “All we need is a celestial event to draw from , something that belonged to you and your ashes.” she said with a smile on her face.”Then you are free.”
Kai’s expression darkened. Where were they going to get something that had belonged to him before he died? And what about his ashes ? They could be anywhere … 
Y/N noticed the change in his expression and suddenly she felt like falling from a high. Kai was a witch too , he knew magic and if something about the spell bothered him ,… 
“What is it?” she asked.
Kai handed her the grimoar , his expression grim. “Nothing its just … It’s full moon which means there is a celestial event to draw from , but … Where are we going to get something that belonged to me and my ashes ?”
Y/N felt relief flood her body.  For a moment there she thought there was something wrong with the spell.
“Malachai Parker” she said with a grin.“Did you really think I wouldn’t keep your belongings with me ?“
It took him a minute to process what Y/N had said. 
“You … you kept my belongings ?” he asked surprised. Why would she do that ? 
“Yes.” she smiled nervously, looking down at her hands. “Not just that , Kai. I kept your ashes too.” Y/N glanced at him giving him a small smile. Kai had a weird expression on his face , she couldn’t quite understand what it meant. There was a spark in his eyes and something else but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it… 
Of course she had kept his ashes. Damon had left Kai’s lifeless body among the body’s of the rest of the Gemini coven , not carrying at all what would happen to them. He had planned to compell someone to clean up the mess but Y/N couldn’t just leave Kai’s body like that.  She had cried for hours before burning his corpse , but she knew it had to be done. Y/N knew that somehow someway she’d find a way to bring him back.
“Why … why would do all this?” Kai asked.

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