Locked Up

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Reader is a witch who has un-dealt with feelings for Kai. After learning that Bonnie, her best friend, has locked him up, she flees to rescue him from the Prison World, determined to tell him how she feels.

Bonnie sat by the crackling fire, brown eyes wide as she spilled everything.

“You WHAT?!” you gasped, hands flying to your mouth.

“Trapped him in the Prison World,” she muttered softly.

Even though she hated Kai, a part of her also hated herself for what she did to him.

Your nails had been clawing into your tender wrists while you listened, tears burning at your eyes.

“(Y/N),” Bonnie hiccuped softly, offering you a hand, “I’m so sorry.”

Your chest rose softly as you took her hand. For a moment, she smiled sadly. Then-

“Gah!?” Bonnie gasped, pulling her hand back and looking at her charred skin.

“If you were sorry,” you said through clenched teeth, “You never would have done this.”

“(Y/N)!” Bonnie called after you as you made way to leave the Salvatore house. A shimmering white shield arose in front of you, blocking your way. “I can’t let you do this!” she begged from behind you.

Your fingers touched the shield, cracks appearing underneath your fingertips as you applied force. It shattered under your touch, splitting into a million pieces as you threw the door open and sprinted far far away.

I will find you, Kai.  

Kai was angry and you knew it. He really had been trying to be a better person. He was learning to love and be loved, but after being completely back stabbed ....he must be absolutely enraged, you thought.

It had been two weeks since arriving in the prison world, and over a month since Kai had been abandoned. The feeling of loneliness sunk deep through your skin. Every breath was yours, every movement was yours, every footprint in the snow was yours.

Until, it wasn’t.

You made way to the Salvatore house with a bag of stolen groceries in your hand. Glittering flakes of snow trickled from the soft white clouds, covering the ground in a layer of cold.

 It was there you saw it. A separate track of footprints in the snow, and they led all the way up to the house.

Pulling your coat to your exposed neck, you sprinted through the snow and to the unlocked door, hands fumbling and shaking from nerves and cold alike as you stepped inside. The house was alight with warm light and glowing candles. You could sniff out a burning log fire, so you let the groceries fall to the ground and tiptoed to the living room, where you came skidding to a halt.

He sat on the couch, feet propped up, and a glass in hand. His face was unshaven, his clothes were stained red, and his eyes were emptier than ever.

“Kai,” you breathed in astonishment. 

His eyes flickered up, and for a moment he didn’t move.

“Is it-”

“Me,” you smiled pathetically.

He looked so far off from reality, unbelieving of what he was looking at. This was, after all, the second time he had been abandoned down here.

A soft smile tickled the corners of his mouth.

“What the hell are you doing here? I mean, I just knew, I wasn’t alone, but-”

“Because I have to be.”

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