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Imagine Kai constantly teasing you and being rude in the prison world because he secretly likes you and you secretly like him. But he reads your diary and finds out about your feelings.

“Awh, can little Y/N not reach the top shelf?” Kai teased as he pouted his bottom lip. You rolled your eyes and continued to reach for the Nutella on the shelf in the supermarket. Kai constantly teased you, ever since you first arrived at the prison world he’d been like this. Sometimes he would be super flirty with you, calling you princess and kitten and other times he was, well like this.

“Ughh, Kai can you please just get it for me..” You sighed in defeat. He strolled over to you with a smirk creeping over his face and you knew he was going to make another snarky remark. “But then that would destroy the fun. It’s so amusing to watch you struggle.” He said with a chuckle. “Whatever Kai, forget it.” You say walking out of the store on your way to somewhere else to get your precious Nutella. “Don’t be like that Y/N. I was just playing with you.” he said as he followed you out. He quickly caught up with you and grabbed your wrist pulling you around to face him. “Just leave me alone Kai.” you said, refusing to look at his face.

After these months stuck in this prison with your only contact with anybody being Kai, you’d developed a small crush on him. You had no idea why, after all he was a complete asshole. But every time he was even remotely nice to you, your stomach would flip and your face would flush with red. You’d never told him though, he was a sociopath. A person with no feelings. So there was nothing within you that made you believe he even remotely shared these feelings.

“Why are you so moody today?” he said as he dropped your arm, as you felt yourself missing the warmth of his hand against your wrist. “I’m just really not in the mood Kai and you’re really not helping so can you just leave me be.” you said slightly louder than anticipated. You began to walk off again before he grabbed your arm once again. “For gods sake Kai, let go of me.” you almost shout feeling anger build up inside of you. “Not until you tell me what’s wrong.” he said calmly, not like his usual teasing tone. “And what if I don’t want to.” you say gradually gaining confidence against Kai. “I’ll just read your diary.” he said even calmer than before.

A wave of fear and nerve came over you. If he read even a page of your diary he would know about your feelings for him, and god forbid he would never let you live it down. So you had to think up a lie, and quick. “I-It’s my best friends birthday back home.” you stuttered, hoping he would believe you. He looked at you in a ‘are you serious’ way. He pulled you closer and brought his face towards your, to the point where you could feel him warm breath against your cheek. You could feel your heart fluttering and stomach flipping continuously. “Are you sure it’s not because you like me?” he whispered.

You were lost for words. How could he know? Did he read your diary? Did he feel the same way?

Even with all these questions rushing through your minds you managed to recover. “You’re delusional.” you whisper back before yanking your hand back and walking away, tears brimming your eyes, a few slipping away. You didn’t turn back not even once. He was calling your name out but you could tell by the tone of his voice he had a smirk on his face. You could feel the patter of his feet behind you as he was trying to catch up with you for the third time now. “I like you too.” he shouted making you stop in your tracks. “Don’t lie to me.” you say through gritted teeth as you could feel his presence behind you. “If I lied to you then why on earth would I do this?” he said and without even giving you time to think he swung you around and crashed his lips on yours. It took you a second to kiss back but you did.

The kiss wasn’t like how you thought it’d be. It was slow and passionate, not rough and needy like you thought it would be. After what felt like forever he pulled away and pressed his forehead against yours. “I love you Y/N Y/L/N.” he whispered before pressing his lips against yours once again

Kai Parker Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now