Broken Heart Is All That's Left - Part 1

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Request by 13a23z3343

You and Kai are together, he loved you and he showed you that in every minute of a day, he loved your arrogant side and your sweet side, to be honest you loved him too but you never told him that, you were afraid.

One day you got message from your father, he commanded you to get back to your home town in Germany, honestly you didn't want to go, to leave everything behind, to leave everyone behing but you don't have choice.

You packed your bags and leaving everyone behind and didn't bothering to say goodbye, to your friends, to Kai.

When Kai got back that night he didn't thought much about it, you often had habit to go out with your friends but when you didn't came back he started to worry, he called your friends and when he realised what happened his heart broke, he was lost.

3 years later

Kai managed to move on as much as he could, he still loved you, he wanted to hate you but he couldn't.

Knock on the door interrupted him in the middle of a movie. When he opened the door he was frozen in the spot "Hello Kai" It was you "Where, where you?" He wanted to hug you and kiss you but he didn't "I was in Germany, my father wanted me back, look I'm sorry for going away like that" he laughed "Yeah sure you are"

"No really Kai I a-" his hand interrupted you "Save it Y/n I don't wanna hear it, I loved you, God I still do and I thought that I found someone who loves me for the first time in my life but I guess I was wrong!" At the end of a sentence he was yelling "Can you stop yelling and it's not like you never hurted anyone!" "Yes I have, but I never hurted people who I loved, I never hurted you! And now I'm starting to think that you never loved me!" He yelled "And what if I haven't?" In the moment when the words left your mouth you regretted it "No Kai I haven't me-" he rised his hand "No you have, you know what my biggest mistake is you! So now would you mind going back wherever you was this past 3 years" and with that he closed the door leaving you outside.

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