Chapter 6

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As Jimin stirred from his sleep he felt warmth coming from the heavy boy laying against him. He widened his eyes as he finally realized the situation he was in, he slowly unwrapped himself from Jungkook trying not to wake the other one up. He finally got out without waking him up but he couldnt help but turn back to look at the taller still sleeping soundly on the couch. He went to brush the hair out of his face but was stopped when he felt a vibration by his feet.

Jimin knew it wasnt his phone but he debated whether he should check it or not still. He decided it would be okay since the other was asleep so he crawled to the phone quietly, grabbing it and staring down at the messages.

"Jungkook sorry i shouldnt of hung u...."

"Baby just answer my calls"

Missed call from Tae<3(12)

"Are you with that weird boy still?"

"You better not be doing anything wi..."

"He's not even attractive so why wou...."

"You said it yourself..."

Jimin quickly threw the phone on the couch and went to gather his things from Jungkooks room, asking the maid to guide him to the front door. He couldn't express how he was feeling or why he was feeling it.

As soon as he made it outside he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and took in the night sky that laid before him, standing still for a moment to admire the stars that glistened in the vast distance. Soon enough his legs were moving, his vision blurred with his tears, he couldn't help but think that pain is the only thing he seems to feel these days.

He had been hit, pushed, made fun of, and treated so poorly by his loved ones but the pain of knowing the guy he had high hopes for thought the same things they did.....hurt him deeply.

He finally slowed down noticing he stopped infront of someones house, he didn't know why he would come here, his legs just seemed to move on their own. He had ran all the way to Hoseoks house just staring as he slowly wiped his tears from his face. He stood there for 10 minutes before he heard the door start to open, revealing a sleepy Hoseok rubbing his eyes still not understanding why a stranger was infront of his house.

He slowly looked up and widened his eyes realizing who was there,

"Jiminie..." memories flying into his head from their friendship and how much love he had for the smaller.

"....h-hi" Jimin smiled shyly and looked down wiping his tears with his collar. "Im not sure w-why im here...i j-just....i dont know.."

Hoseok opened his mouth to say something but closed it slowly, "Well you should get home its getting dark" He tried to sound not affected by the others presence when inside he wanted to tell him how much he missed him.

"Ouch.." Jimin whispered as he smiled knowing that Hoseok didn't have it in him to be mean.

Hoseok noticed the smile the smaller was trying to hide with his bangs

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