Chapter 37

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Authors POV

Today was Wednesday December 14th. 4pm

Jimin had finally left the hospital after staying a few nights sleeping in uncomfortable chairs.

Of course Jungkook had come by almost every day telling him to come home but the boy refused each time.

He couldn't get it out of his head, the last memory of Yoongi would've been their argument. And Yoongi telling him he didn't want to see him anymore.

He was broken by the words and now even more shattered by watching the raven haired boy lay in his room with nurses on stand by.

His conversation with Taehyung didn't make it any better either.

Tae has come to check on Yoongi with Hoseok one day. While Hoseok was talking with Yoongi mom he pulled Jimin to the side.

"I think you should stay away from Jeonguk" he whispered down to the smaller boy.

"What?" He spoke out loud not caring who heard him. He was already stressed out and now the guy who like ship least told him to stay away from his love.

"Look...I love him too and after seeing you choose another boy over hurts him and I just can't- I won't let you keep hurting him like that."

Jimin was now silent.

"Yoongi almost died because of you Jimin!" He whisper-yelled, "I won't let you kill my Jeonguk..."

Maybe it was his jealousy, that Jimin was everything he wasn't. That the boy he was in love with had fallen in love with someone else. Maybe it was anger built up or maybe he just wanted to hurt Jimin so he could lose Jungkook too.

Not knowing how the words would be as permanent as the deep scars painted on Jimins thighs.

Taehyung later on left giving Yoongis mom a hug and waving goodbye to Hoseok.

Hoseok tried to comfort him but he continued to ignore him. Just how he ignored anyone else who tried to talk to him or comfort.

He didn't want to face anyone, he was ashamed of his mistakes.

Soon enough Hoseok stopped pushing and drifted away. It was like Jimin had been in this boat with these people he grew to love. And he watch them get into their own separate boats to drift away.

Yoongi made sure Jimin heard him when he got on his boat and left.

Hoseoks boat left almost silently.

Jimin didn't like to chase, so he just accepted it.

Letting them go because it was for the best.

For the amount of times Jimin has used that line through out his life for excuses were inter-mountable.

He even stopped talking to Jungkook, in fear he would ruin it with him as well.

Taehyung hw smash it clear, it was him. He wasn't crazy to think he was the problem.

Because he was the problem, the only problem.

Authors POV

"Jimin please answer me. It's been days and hours since you've talked to me let alone looked at me Please would you ju-"

The door to Jimins room was swung open, there stood an obviously distressed and annoyed Jimin.

Jungkook had been knocking almost every hour to check in on him, when all he really wanted was to be left alone.

"Jungkook please"

Jungkook immediately took a step forward and tried to embrace the other but was not let with his small hands against his chest.

Pushing him away.

"Jimin why are you doing this?"

"Please stop ok? Just leave me alone I want to be alone....absolutely alone it's what I deserve" 

"That's not what you deserve it's not your fault okay? It's not like you pushed him infront of the car!"

"But what if I did?" Jimins voice breaking as he fought back the tears.

"Wha...what do you mean?"

"With my words....if I just had...if I would have just gave him a chance or something he wouldn't be in the hospital..."

"He wouldn't be the one on life support with his mother crying by his side by knowing if he will make it or not!" He began to rub his eyes as he sobbed harder. "How am I supposed to face his mother and tell her it's my fault Yoongi ditched? It's my fault Yoongi is heart broken and it's my fault he could've died?!"

Jungkooks expression contorted in sympathy and irritation.

He was losing his cool.

"Jimin listen to me, You have the right to reject people's feelings. You have the right to be with who you want to be with and Yoongi knows that but since he's hurt he just wanted space. You didn't lead him to where he was ok? That was simply wrong place bad timing. Do not blame yourself over something you have no control over!"

They stood there for a minute or two in silence, tension still clearly surrounding them.

Jimins sobs had died down and his eyes feeler with more anger then anything.

While Jungkook waited for something, anything really. He was just yearning to feel and be with his Jimin again.



Taehyung voice echoed in Jimins head as if to remind him to let go of Jungkook.




"we should end whatever this is, I'm no good for you or anyone."

This day he called, his bullet.


A/N: being lactose intolerant ain't it chief.

But you got me Fked up if you think that's gonna stop me from eating ice cream.

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