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We had just finally went to sleep I as usual slept in between Larry and Laurent. I was awakened by the loud crash of broken glass. My heart jumped from my chest my eyes begin to glow as I peered through the walls seeing the perpetrators coming rapidly the were blinking blindly red there were two of them they weren't very strong. Larry and Laurent jumped in front of me as two masked men entered our bedroom. The twins defeated the men with ease. Larry quickly picked me up from the bed and leaped out the window Laurent following behind him. He put me in the car and jumped in next to me. Laurent was in the driver seat we speed off to an unknown destination.
"What's going on? My voice was full of fear.
"Us leaving this town." Laurent said as he continued to drive recklessly through traffic.
"Why? Why did they attack us?"
" Is Lucia she coming for you and she don't care if she have to kill us to get you." Larry said.
"Wait what?" I said. "I'm not worth your life just give me to her."
"Belle you are us life without you us have no reason to live." Laurent said.
"Please explain to me what I am why do she want me? What's so important about me?"
The twins promised to tell me what I was as soon as we got to safety.
We drove all night nonstop to the middle of who in the hell knows.
Laurent stopped.
"Us should be okay for right now. I looked around and wasn't so sure.
We drove to a sleazy motel. Larry rented a room the place gave me the creeps. It had every type of low life you could think of in it.
Laurent and I were ahead of Larry.
"Hey big boy looking for a good time?" The scantily clad woman asked Larry.
"Non thank you." He replied politely.
The aggressive whore continued to pressure him. I turned around my eyes as red as blood.
"Back off bitch he's mine." I hissed showing her my fangs.
She ran away screaming. "Demon oh my God she's a demon."
"Be calm cherie us have for stay under the radar." Laurent warned.
I rolled my eyes. He chuckled.
We entered our shady living quarters for the night. My body still visually shaking from the events that transpired.
What's so special about me is all that kept going through my mind.
Larry sat down on the chair and patted his lap for me to sit. The room was less than sanitary. I had nothing more on than panties and Laurent's t-shirt.
"Jazzy you okay." Larry asked as Laurent paced back and forth.
"Yes." I said. Even though I knew it wasn't my fault I felt bad about the situation.
"This is all my fault maybe you should have just let me die in that gutter."
" Non say things like that bebe." They both said. Looking into their golden eyes I got lost for a moment. Lucia was never going to stop. It was no where for us to hide. I knew what I had to do even if it was going to hurt the twins. I loved them more than my own life I would gladly die if it was to save them. Now it was time for them to explain what or who I am.
"Have you ever noticed that you different from other vampires?"
"Yes kind of."
"Well is because you are not just vampire. You are daughter of the Sun Goddess."
"Ha stop playing my mother is an accountant." I said.
"She no you real mother."
This was way too much to take in. All my life I believed this woman was my mother. I'm the daughter of a goddess?"
"Is not all you father is God of the underworld."
"My father's the devil?"
"Non amour. The devil is God of hell underworld no hell."
"So I'm a goddess vampire?"
"Bingo." They both said.
"Why am I just finding this out?" I asked still a bit confused then it hit me the beautiful woman with the sun rays around her.
"Us knew you were different but us non know why. The elders explain to us what you are."
"So what is a seal protection?"
"Is something that makes it illegal for touch you. But it take time to get."
"Why are you so afraid of Lucia?"
"She us maker. She ruthless and has no problem killing to get what she want. If us kill her us die. But to protect you us willing to die a million deaths."
"I can't live without you. Please promise you won't leave me" I said as tears began to roll down my cheeks.
"No cry amour us no going nowhere us will figure something out us always do." Larry said wiping away my tears.

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