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Robin knocked on one of the double doors. It opened and a 16 year old girl stood there. She had lots of attitude that is being shown just the way she stands. Her resemblance of her mother was incredible.

"Who's this" she asked only glancing at Emma with full judgement.

"Emma this is my eldest daughter jasmine. Jas this is Emma. She will be the new nanny" robin replied.

"I don't need a nanny dad. God what is wrong with you" the girls says annoyed.

"She's mainly year for you brother and sisters and to help your mother" he replied with a sigh.

Emma's eyes doubled in size. She had no idea she would have to work with the gorgeous woman or help her. Emma planned on avoiding her since she didn't want to be near someone so tempting.

"Then don't introduce her to me" jasmine shrugged. Robin rolled his eyes and walked away. "Why are you still here"

"You better watch your lip. I don't play games around here and I don't know how he didn't but I can smell the alcohol on your breath" Emma says showing who's in charge.

Jasmine held her hand over her mouth to cover the alcohol smell. Emma smirked and caught up with robin. Jasmine didn't like her already. Not one bit. Robin knocked on another door before opening it. A 15 year old girl was stood there painting on a large canvas. The canvas was bigger than her. She was painting a family portrait.

"This is Isabella. Bella" robin says getting the girls attention.

"Hi. I'm Isabella but just call me Bella. You must be the new nanny"

"Yeah. That painting is amazing by the way. Did you draw it as well" Emma says admiring the drawing.

"Yeah. I did all these in here"

The room was covered in paintings and drawings. Her clothes and her skin was covered in pain as well.

"There very good" Emma says looking around. She looked back at the young girl. "And your British?"

"We sent her to boarding in england for a few years. She picked up the accent" robin answered.

"I see"

Emma smiled before they left. Robin closed he door and lead Emma to the next child's room. He knocked on the door before opening in. Music was blaring out as a boy was break dancing on the floor.

"Henry" robin says getting the 14 year old boys attention.

He stood up and looked at them both. His dad sighed and Henry turned the music off.

"What is it"

"Meet your new nanny Emma"

"Sup. I'm henry" he says before going back to his speaker.

The boy turned the music back on and started break dancing. Robin sighed and walked out. Emma followed and closed the door.

"I can tell he's not the talker" Emma giggled.

"Ow no. He likes to be alone when he's doing his dances" robin replied over his shoulder.

Robin then opened a door. A 12 year old girl was playing video games. She had a pair of baggy jeans and a boys hoodie. She noticed the people at the door but didn't bother looking over.

"Hey dad" she says smiling.

"Hi Chris. Emma this is Christina"

"It's nice to meet you Christina. I'm the new nanny kinda thing"

"Got it. Call me Chris by the way" the girl says still looking at the tv.

Emma smiled at the girl and robin left. The blonde followed behind.

"Thanks for this job. When shall I start" Emma asked.

"Tomorrow. Regina shall be here soon so you can get to know her. You'll be with her a lot so she wants to know you first" he replied as they started to walk.

"I what" Emma stumbled on her words.

"Yeah Regina is here a lot so you will be helping her"

Emma first saw Regina and couldn't believe how beautiful she was. She got an instant crush. Being near her will increase it. She didn't know she'd be having to see Regina lots.

"I thought I was here to look after the kids" Emma questioned.

"Ow yes you are" robin says as he looked over at her.

They went downstairs just as Regina walked through the front door. She smiled at Emma before quickly changing her gaze to her husband.

"Hello. Robin the car is ready for you" Regina says with a slight smile.

"Thank you. I shall see you both later" robin says before walking out the house.

Regina looked at Emma who was shyly looking down. This made the brunette giggle.

"What" Emma asked.

"Nothing. Your just a very shy person aren't you" Regina smiled.

"Not usually. This place is a bit intimidating" Emma replied looking around.

"Don't be shy. Did robin show you were you are staying"


"Let's go talk in my office and then I'll get you that room" Regina replied while starting to walk up the stairs.

Emma quickly followed. She noticed how Regina's hips moved side to side as she walked. Emma looked away since she knew she shouldn't be looking. Regina opened the door to her office and walked in. Emma followed and stood near the door.

"This is a nice place" Emma says looking around.

"You can sit down" Regina says sitting on the arm chair.

Emma came over and sat on the sofa. She relaxed a bit more as she saw the sweet smile on Regina's face.

"if you don't mind me asking what do you and robin do for jobs" Emma asked.

"I'm an interior decorator and I do a little modelling. Robin is a lawyer. Both our parents were super rich and this is robins family house"

"Whoa. How long have you been together"

"10 years. It's not much of a marriage though" she sighed.

"What do you mean" Emma questioned.

"Never mind. I shouldn't have said anything anyway" Regina says with a fake laugh to cover up.

She knew if her secret got out then she is screwed. She can't let anyone find out. She stood up and went over to where a bottle of apple cider was. She poured herself a glass before looking to Emma. She lifted a glass up asking if Emma wants a drink.

"Sure. Thanks" Emma shrugged.

She made Emma a drink as well before going over to her seat. She held the drink out to the young blonde who took it. Regina drunk a mouthful and swallowed her secret along with her drink.

"So what were we saying" Regina asked smiling.

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