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Later that day. Emma called Regina but she didn't answer all day. Most of the time she was actually busy but some of the times she just didn't want to talk. Regina was now led in bed and thinking about her wife. She sighed and grabbed her phone. The brunette phoned Emma back.

"Hello" someone answered.

"Umm Hi? Who is this" Regina asked confused.

"Johnny. Emma's brother. Your her wife right" John asked.

"Yeah. Hi. Is Emma there" she asked softly.

"She fell asleep on the sofa next to me. Both her and Adam are sound asleep" he chuckled.

"How cute? Is she ok" Regina asked.

"Yeah she's fine. I'm sorry me and Adam dragged Emma out here. She wasn't happy if it makes you feel better"

"It's ok. I just called because I felt bad for not talking today. Can you tell her I called" Regina asked softly.

"Of course. Can I ask you something first" he asked awkwardly.


"Don't hurt her please. I know I haven't seen her in years but she's still my little sister and I love her. So just please don't hurt her" he asked softly.

"That's the last thing I want to do. You seem like a decent guy. Why were you sent to military school" Regina asked.

"Lots of reasons. Emma thought we were funny but mum didn't. She hated us anyway. One of our last pranks was one of the best. It was middle of summer. We used mums car and ordered enough fake snow to cover our whole house. We were sliding of the roof on sky boards. When mum came home Adam landed on top of her car and dented the roof on her car. I then fell off the bored and landed on her new boyfriend at the time who came to meet us all" he laughed.

"Ow my god. If my kids did that I'd kill them. Is that when she sent you away" Regina giggled.

"Yeah. She was furious. Emma wasn't. She was a 10 year old who got to play with snow"

"Well I should go. Tell Emma I love her and I called"

"I will. Bye Regina" he smiled.

"Bye. Nice to meet you"

Regina hung up. She looked at the phone and her lock screen photo was her, Emma and all the kids. She smiled at her family. Regina really missed Emma now. She sighed and led down in the bed. The brunette closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Meanwhile John put Emma's phone back on the table and looked at his siblings on the sofa. He smiled at the fact he missed them so much. When at the military school working John and Adam were separate most of the time. They were fired because a new manager came in and told them to leave since they were once there as students. John started thinking. He picked up Emma's phone and went to her contacts. He called the number labelled mum.

"Hi Emma" the phone answered.

"Hi mum. It's me. Please don't hang up. I just want to say something" John quickly says.

"Fine... talk" Diana hesitates before answering.

"Thank you. Mum I'm so sorry for what we were like when we were kids. I know when you let us come home that summer at 15 we were worse. I am sorry and if Adam was awake then he'd be saying this as well. We miss you mum"

When the boys turned 15 she let them home to see if they improved. They were worse than before so she sent them back and left them in America to live in Australia.

"You were so naughty and horrible. You think I'll accept your apology after how you acted around the house" she says shocked.

"Please don't do this. We were kids"

"When you were 18 I called you and you somehow manage to do something wrong" she says annoyed.

"I'm sorry. That's all I wanted to say. If you don't accept it then I can't do anything else" he sighed.

"No you can't. I'm not accepting it because you treated me as if I wasn't a mother"

"You know why we did it? So you stopped bring random men home. We hated that you couldn't just be single or settle down with someone decent. Neither of us liked seeing you hurt by a strange man and when we left we told Emma to make sure you were happy" he admits a little annoyed. John took a deep breath and sighed. "I'm sorry for looking out for you as a child" he adds still a little annoyed.

The line went dead.

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