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Later that week. Ruby had phoned Regina and apologise for saying what she did. She didn't care and hasn't thought about all that stuff in years. She was just drunk. Emma and Regina forgot about that night and just continued how they've been the whole time. Today Regina and Chris were going out for lunch. Chris wanted to talk to Regina in private. They got into the Ferrari and Regina started driving.

"So what is it you want to talk to me about chicken" Regina asked glancing at her youngest daughter.

"Tell you at the restaurant. Where are we going" Chris replied.

"Nando's of course" Regina smiled making Chris smile.

"By the way. I really like Emma. She so nice and she's more like a friend than someone who works for us" the girl smiled.

"Yeah me and her are really close. I'm going to see I she wants to quit and get a job with me. She can obviously stay in the house"

"Really? That's amazing mum. Even jasmine likes her and she hates pretty much everyone"

"Jasmine doesn't act like she likes Emma around her" Regina replied confused.

"You know what she's like. She tell us all the time that Emma's really sweet and she said that if jasmine needs her at any time she'll be here to help"

"She really said that" Regina says smiling.

"Yeah. She cares about us more than dad does. Mum why doesn't dad care about us" she asked a little upset.

"He does care about you" she says trying to sound convincing.

"No he doesn't though. We don't see him anymore and I feel like I don't have a dad. He doesn't know I'm a lesbian because me wanting to tell him feels like telling a stranger" Chris admits.

"I know. I'll be honest with you. Your dad is out all the time because he's working a lot and doesn't want to be disturbed at home. I've heard how you all speak to him and I can't tell you off because it's true. I know I should but I can't when he's just giving you a reason to"

"Do you actually love him" Chris asked.

Regina glances over at her child who looked at her half upset half curious. She hated lying to her children more than anyone.

"Yeah. I wouldn't have married him if I didn't" she lied.

Regina knew if she didn't lie then she would have to explain why she's married to him. Her children where the only people in the world she knew loved her as much as she loved them. They were her world and she hated when she had to lie to them.

"I guess" Chris replied a little disappointed.

They arrived at a small diner in town. The girls went in and sat at a booth. Regina ordered herself a coffee and Chris a strawberry milkshake. They waited for them to come before starting to talk.

"So tell me then" Regina asked excitedly.

"So as you obviously already know I'm a lesbian" she starts.

"Yes. You came out last year which I'm still very proud of you for doing"

"Thanks mum. So the thing is I don't want to be a girl anymore. I'm trans and I want to be a boy" she admits as she watched her hand moving the straw around her milkshake.

Chris avoided eye contact with her mother since she hasn't admit this out loud before. Regina placed her hand onto Chris which caused her to look up. The older woman smiled and rubbed her thumb across it.

"I love you and I accept whoever you choose to be. If you'd rather be my son then that's fine. I want you to be who you are and feel like you can. Remember you have only just turned 14 but if you know then you know. I'm so proud of you and I love you" Regina softly says with a smile.

"Thanks mum. Will Nan except it" she asked not wanting the answer.

"I'll be honest. No she wont. Don't worry. I will not let her ruin this for you. I promise"

"Thank you mum. I was actually really nervous about this"

"Don't ever be. If someone doesn't except you then tell them to piss off. You can't tell the others but when I was 16 I got into a fight because someone was being homophobic about your uncle and say he's dead for being gay. I beat the living shit out of this guy and to this day if I see him he's scared" Regina admits making Chris laugh.

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