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Ariadne pov

I walked out fast to meet Katie and Thalia that are just sitting outside on the bleachers since we have a free period. so all we do is talked about how this year is going to be and how we are all ready to get out of here and go to college.

"it looks like Jordan is the same as ever." Katie said

"yeah but it looks like you want to get with you." Thalia said while pointing at me

"what no one way and why would even let him try when I can't stand him." I said

"I don't know the way he was looking out it just looks like you will be his next conquest." Thalia said,

"please don't refer to me as something to conquer." I said

"sorry but I'm just saying he might be coming after you now." she said

"no way that's not going to happen." I said as the bell rang telling us school is over

"let's get out of here" I said as we get up from the bleachers we walked to my car as the girls parked right next to me.

"do you guys want to go and grab some food." I said,

"yeah let's go grab some Wendy's." Thalia said

"yeah okay." Katie said we all go in our cars and drove to the nearest Wendy's and we went inside and we all ordered our food and drinks and took a seat.

we ate and laugh and once we were done we all headed home. once I got home I saw that no one was home like usually since mom at work and dad is on a business trip while jay is probably with his friends or hooking up with some bitch. I went up into my room and changed into more comfortable clothes and started the homework that all teacher decided to gave us.

as I'm doing my work I hear my phone buzzing but I ignore it so I can finish my homework but it continues and it hard to focus now I grab my phone and saw the time and I see that it been two hours already. as I unlock my phone I see that Jordan had added me on Snapchat and followed me on Instagram and sent me a friend request on facebook. why all of the sudden has he added me on everything I thought but ignored them all and decided to go and make some food I headed downstairs and looked and saw we had nothing I could make. as I was about to head back upstairs I saw a note on the counter that said" Ari I left you some money in your desk so you can order some food and when I come home ill be bringing, groceries, love mom"

once I read the note I ran upstairs and looked for the money in my decks and I found the forty bucks. I decided that I was going to order Domino's pizza, I grab my phone and made my order and then went back to my homework after I was done I texted the girls telling them Jordan adding me on all my social media

" so I told you he is going to go after you and just to devour you lmfaoo" thalia texted

"shut up that's not going to happen in a million years"

"Oh, it might like he wants you to know that he sees you and that you're next." Katie texted

"you believe her too that he wants to conquer me." I texted

"yea I do girl he wants all the girls and at least he has some class and doesn't go after any girl in our class." thalia texted

"did you add him back." Kaite texted

"no I just ignored it"I texted

"what why just add him back you said it yourself that he won't be able to get to you so why not just add him on everything and amuse him." thalia texted

"yeah just do it, it's not going to hurt." Katie texted

"find ill think about it, yay my food is here"I texted

"I have to go anyways talk to guys later." Katie texted

I went downstairs paid for my phone and sat down in the kitchen and ate I decided Katie and Thalia were right and I should just add him back. so I did and went and watch a movie on Netflix after I was done eating I put the leftovers in the fridge and clean my mess. as I grab my phone i saw that Jordon texted me on snap

" hey" he texted I left him on reading and went to my room and clean up everything I was using for my homework I texted the girls and told them he probably was a mistake or me to add him back but they didn't respond. I looked at the time and saw that it was ten so I decided I'll just go to bed. as I was about shut my eyes I got another text message from Jordon

"its not cool to leave people on open you know and I thought you were nice." he texted

as I read it I pictured he had a smirk on his face while he was typing this I reply

"oh I know its not cool but I only reply to my friends." I texted

"well let's be friends then and you won't have to leave me on read." he texted

"well I guess we will see if we can be friends but we were friends once, do you even remember that." I texted

"yes I do Ari, how could I forget about you," he said

, "wow I'm impressed the school's man-whore remembers a childhood friend." I texted

"ouch I'm hurt do you really see me that way." he texted

"yeah I do and I'm not afraid, to tell the truth, so there you go." I texted

"well I'm going to change your mind about me." he texted

"well I guess I'll see." I texted than put my phone down so it can get some charge and I went to sleep.

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