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Ariadne pov

"Hey what's wrong," Jordan asked

"it's nothing," I said, but I knew I looked unconvincing

"well I know something's up, so come talk to me about it while you eat something, cole is playing in his room, and the triplets are asleep let's talk," he said

"Okay, I just think you're going to think I'm crazy," I said as I walk to the table to eat

"never so tell me what's up you were fine before your "friends" showed up," he said

Why did you say friends like that," I asked

"because I don't like them they don't send out a right vibe with me even when we were kids, why do you think when I only hanged out with you when they weren't around," he said

"oh my gosh, shit so my feeling is true I feel like I can't trust them I feel like something is gonna happen, and they are going to be involved," I said

"then you better trust your gut and distance yourself from them don't get close, keep things friendly," he says

"is it a dumb idea that I want to turn our home office into a gym, all I know is if anything were to happen I want to be physically prepared if I need to defend myself or our kids," I said

"We can do that," he says while rubbing my hand all of a sudden I feel butterflies flying in my stomach and my body heat up.

"so.," he says as he looks into my eyes with a question he seems unsure to ask then I heard the triplets start crying.

"I got the kids, you can go take care of our friend that's standing tall, FYI I'm impressed," I said as I rolled the cribs to the bedroom as I leave I feel his eyes on me.

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