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Ariadne pov

I met up with the other after I locked the door to "my" house and we all started to head back to the school.

so tell us how was the kiss and I thought you weren't going let him get to you." Katie said

yes I did say that but that kiss was amazing and I told him he is going to have to prove himself or we both are going to be taking a lot of cold showers, then he kissed me again and told me that I'm going to be his." I told them

maybe he is going to change for you and settle down, you guys are partners I don't think he is going to be able to think of any other girl with you being in the same house as him." Thaila said

maybe something will happen between us." I said

what do you mean maybe something already did."Katie said okay

yes something did happen and we will see if it continues but right the only thing I'm putting first is the child that I'm going to be taking care of." I said

we got to school and we all went our separate ways, I drove straight home, once I got home I went straight into the kitchen and looked for something to eat since I was starving.

"hey so am I going to get a niece or am I getting a nephew," Jacob said while sitting on a stole in the kitchen.

well, I see you know about the project and I don't if I'm getting a girl or a boy I think I'm going to find out tomorrow when I move into the house." I said while grabbing ingredients to make a sandwich.

"what house are you talking about." he said,

"the house I'm going to be living in for the next year with the baby and my partner." I said

"what! mom not going to let do that you know that right." he said

well the teacher told us that she already knows and she signed off for it." I told him while I ate my sandwich

MOM!" he shouted and she quickly appeared in the kitchen

what's going on is one of you hurt." she said while looking panicked

no we are fine but did you know that Ariadne is going to be living with some guy and a kid for the whole year, for this baby project." he said to her,

yes I know she has to pack her things." she said

yeah I'm going to once I'm done eating." I told her as I continue to eat my sandwich which wasn't fining me up one bit, I might order a pizza I thought.

what you are actually going to let her live with this guy that we don't even know." he said

first of all you guys do know him its Jordan hill and secondly you don't have a say in what I do, so I'm grateful that you are protective of me and all but the school made this project and its worth a lot for my grade and I love working with kids. and I've already lived away from home before remember." I said

"but..." he said but I cut him off " no buts there is nothing you need to say okay the house I'm living in is beautiful and its close to the school and tomorrow we are going to be moving into it and looking for jobs." I told him

"you got to see the house." my mom asked

"yeah since my partner and I and Katie and Thaila and their partners finished first we got to choose our house. which is amazing mom it has a pool in the back and it's nice and big and decorated in a nice creme color for the living room and for the kitchen there is a nice marble island right in the middle of the kitchen. and they also give us some things for the child if we get a baby then we already have a crib and a changing table and if we foster someone older then we already have a bed for them." I told her

"wow that's great I can't wait to see it." she said

 "once we are settled okay." I said while putting my plate in the sink

"yes of crouse." she said

"I'm going to go pack and order a pizza I'm still hungry do you guys want anything." I asked

"no I'm fine and what can of jobs are you going to apply for and can you keep the current one you have now." my mom said

"I'm planning on finding something else since ill be, leaving soon the couple I babysit for wants the kids to start getting comfortable with other people." I told her

"oh okay." she said as I stared to walk to my room and start packing

"wait don't you need my help moving your stuff in tomorrow." Jacob said after being silent for the entire time mom and I was having a conversation

"no I don't need your help at all thanks though." I said as I closed my bedroom door and got out my suitcase

"wait a minute why don't you need my help moving things in." he said after he barged in my without knocking.

"you really need to knock this is my personal space and I don't need and furniture I'm just bringing my clothe and bathroom stuff, why are you getting so protective," I said

"because that's my job and I just found out that my baby sister is going to be taking care of a baby with an old childhood friend that she used to have a crush on," he said as I stood there stocked while my cheeks started to burn up

"I did not have a crush on Jordan when we were younger," I said

"yeah keep telling yourself that," he said

"whatever leave me alone I need to pack and order my food," I said while pushing him out my room I closed the door in his face and locker the and I was so grateful that I had my own bathroom in my room so I got to pack all the things I needed. I started packing up my makeup and deck necessities and then and i went to get

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