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Ariadne pov

I open the door and right there was Ms.Bradshaw with another lady who I believe to be the social worker and in her hand was the triples. and as I looked around I saw another car pull in and a man came out and went to the backseat of the car and open the door to a little boy.

as everyone walked into the boy who I still didn't know his name was standing behind the man's legs who has to be his social worker.

"Okay so everyone is here before they leave they need to look around and see where the children will sleep and this will also be your first grade for the project." ms.brandshaw said

"okay follow me,"I said as I lead the way to the first room where the little boy would sleep in I open the door to show that I there was a bed and I added some toys and a little table with paper and markers and some books he could use. once he saw all of this he ran right in

"wow" he said looking amazed when he saw the room

"we got him some toys and clothes." I said as we watched him run around the room looking at everything

"that's nice can I see where the babies will be sleeping in." the social who was holding two of the babies and ms.brandshaw was holding the other as they slept in their arms, I walked them down the hall to the room.

I thought it would be best if the slept in the same room as I and he could have his own room and not be woken up by them crying. so I got a cot for each one of them, and I had moved the changing table in here, we bought diapers and wipes and bottles and formula. which is all put away I also brought clothes for them." I said as the social worker walked around

"okay." she said and walked out of the room and went to the living room and meet up with the other social worker and they were talking to ms.branshaw.

"I hope they like it," I said out loud

yeah I do too, and I'm sorry I wasn't here to help you set up everything and no I was not with Becky I can't stand her but I play nice. I only have eyes for sweetheart." he said

once he said those words I got butterflies in my stomach but I tried to ignore them and focus on the kids.

okay so we love what we see here you sure have thought of everything and were impressed for you guys being so young so, I have in my hands here are Skylar and Taylor and ms.brandshaw is has Owen." the triplets social worker said as she gave me Skylar and Taylor while ms.brandshaw gave jorden Owen.

and this little guy here is cole." he said as cole smile up at us as he heard his name being said he was just so cute they all were

okay so we are going to let you guys get settled in with them." ms Bradshaw said as she walked out with the social worker right behind her

"so I'll go and put them down and then ill give you some dinner cole how does that sound." I asked him

"good." he said and I went and put Skylar and Taylor in their cot and went back into the kitchen so Jordan could go and put Owen in his cot, I had come out with the baby monitor so I could here hear if they woke up.

I went into the kitchen and got the plates and had set the table I got all the food and put on the table while Jordan was playing with cole. and by the looks of it, they were getting along great.

"hey boys dinner is ready," I said and Cole got up and ran straight for me, I picked him up and sat him on the chair and filled his plate with the pasta and filled his cup up with some juice. once I was done with his plate he started eating and he was eating so fast I thought he might choke

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