The End-Part One.

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Ariadne Pov

once Jordan went to call his uncle, I finished cooking dinner. I wanted to make a good meal and pack the kids lunch because tomorrow is going to be a crazy day, so when I'm stress, I cook, and I cook way too much. I decided I was going to make rice, baked macaroni, and brownies and cookies and mashed potatoes, it's been over an hour since Jordan been on the phone, and I had everything in the oven and the rice and chicken cooked. I need to keep my hands busy, so I started to make a macaroni salad, and that when Jordan walked in.

" hey, step away from the kitchen, your making way more food then the mouths we have here, now come over here and sit I know this was a crazy idea, but we got this," he said

"I walked towards him and took a deep breath, " what did your uncle say?" I asked him,

" he said that we're crazy for thinking of this. Still, they have been trying to catch Ella for some time now. Ever since the things she did to cole, and how she is on probation and was meant to stay away from all of her children, and she has been selling drugs. Still, they never can hold her because they never catch her in the act; they need us to make her also confess to some of her crimes." he said,

"wow okay that's a lot of added pressure, but do you think we will get her, do you think this will be the end and we won't have to look over our shoulders anymore, do you think we can finally be safe," I said,

"yes I do think we can, so should I send the text," he asked

"Yeah, let's send it, what are you going to say," I asked

"I have the perfect thing," he said and took his phone out

hey, I'm going to have the kids tomorrow so Ariadne can go out, she'll be at Walmart at noon, so what's the plan.

"what do you think?" he asked I looked over the text and hit sent

"no going back now," I said as I see the dots pop up on the screen

"she's eager for you huh," I said with jealousy

"Yeah, are you jealously?" he asked,

"what! no way" I said

"yeah okay, look she texted," he said

great, and the plan is I'm going to give her hell, she's not going to want to be near you ever again because you're going to help, I need you to buy a few things, I need some tape, a blindfold, some rope. I'll take care of the weapons I plan to use. And Katie will be there too she has some things she wants to let out, some things I don't even know bring the stuff before she goes so I can grab her.

"are you sure you want to go through with this?" Jordan asked with a concerned look on his phone

"I have too, its the best thing for our kids, so we know that she plans to hurt me, but that's why I got strong, and I'm going to do whatever I can for my babies, biological or not, more so since their biological mom wants to hurt them, hurt my babies I will do anything I can do to protect them with all my power, and if that means I get hurt then so be it," I said and got up and walked to the kitchen and took the food out of the oven

"I don't like that, I don't like that you're going to be at risk, your life is going to be at risk," he said scared

"no it won't because you will be there, you be the one to tie me up and put the tape on me, we've been practicing on how to get out of knots and how to get out of tape, I'll make sure I wear the ring that sharp just in case you aren't the one who ties me up, I'm going to put up a fight and put on a show, so, please let do this and put on this show," I said

"Okay, fine I regret putting this idea in your head, knowing how stubborn you are," he said

" yes you put this idea in my head but, it's good," I said and walked towards him and kissed him on the lips,

"I love you," Jordan said, I raised my head and looked into his eyes and saw that he means it

"I love you too, and I love our little family," I said

"let's eat," he said

" yes, let's, I'm going to go check on the babies, and you go see if cole is awake," I said and headed towards the bedroom with a heavy mind of so many different thoughts if this works out then we are all safe. Ella will be out of our lives for good, but if I do get hurt and things don't go as plan then so be it. The kids will be saved & whatever happens, they won't get hurt anymore, but I have a gut feeling something is going to go the wrong way,

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