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Ariadne pov

I was woken up by little whimpers coming from Taylor but she settled down on her own, as I looked at the time I saw that it was five in the morning as I was about to get out of bed I felt a hand pull me into their chest. I turned around and saw Jordan asleep.

"why does he have to be so damn cute," I thought to myself as I looked at his features, looking at his jawline which is has a little cut on it since his fight, and his gorgeous brown hair that's a mess right now from sleeping. I slowly got out of bed without waking him up. as I got up and looked at the babies I saw them all stir and looking at me, I pushed all of their cots into the living and started to make their bottles then will start to make breakfast. once I made the babies bottles I feed them and changed them. that I put them back in their cots and went to cook some breakfast since it's now it's 6:30. I got eggs and bacon and pancake mix, to start making breakfast.

"good morning." I heard Jordan saying his sexy morning voice that sent chills down my back

"good morning." I squeaked out as I looked at him

"out of the kitchen I'll make breakfast since you made dinner last night," he said

"okay," I said and left the kitchen and sat down on the living room watching the babies sleep, I heard cole door open I look towards the door and see him walking with tears in his eyes. I quickly got up and rushed towards him and picked him up.

"what happened sweetie," I said

"i-i- bad dream," he said in between his sobs

"Oh honey okay copy what I say okay," I said to him

"Okay," he said

"bad dreams bad dreams go away," I said

"b-bad dream bb-bad dream go away," he said in between sobs

"well say that when you have a bad dream okay," I told him and picked him up and carried him to the kitchen table and sat him on a chair as Jordan came in and put the food down. he made scrambled eggs and bacon with pancakes and two omelets. it looks good." I told him

"well dig in," he said as I sat down and put food on cole's plate

"are you my mommy now..."Cole said all of the sudden which made Jordan and I freeze at his sudden question

"um well I guess I do you want me to be," I said to him

"ya, can I call you mommy and can I call you daddy." he as he looked at Jordan and me.

"um," Jordan said but the doorbell rang cutting him off

I'll get it I walked to the door and opened it to ms.brandshae and Katie and Thaila with Mason and Luca, I let them all in and I asked ms.brandshaw if I could speak to her

"ms.brandshaw I have a couple of question to ask you," I said

"okay what are they," she said

"well one is when are the children birthdays and I already got attach to them and cole is getting attached to us," I said

"well cole birthday is September first, and the triples birthday is August twenty, here I have their folder it has everything about them in it that's why I came over to give this and to check on you guys since you two are taking care of the most kids," she said

"oh okay, thank and what about if we are getting attached, I know it's early and all and I only had them for a day but I'm bonded with them, and Cole asked if I'm his mommy now and I want to be," I said

"well, it's okay to get attach and tomorrow at school I was going to tell the class but since you feel this way I'll tell you now. at the end of the project, so in a couple of months the social worker is going to go and talk to guys about how they doing and if you want to the process of adoption," she said

"Oh, great thanks," I said

"you welcome okay I have to go check on others now have a good day and I'll see you tomorrow," she said

okay, have a good day I said as I closed the door behind her and turned around and walked into the kitchen and saw cole sitting on Jordan's lap being shy towards the others.

"Hey, guys what's up, and not to be rude anything but what are doing here," I said,

"well, I wanted to see if you guys but we didn't know that you guys already had your kids," Katie said

that's when the triplest started crying and screaming at the top of their lungs.

"they're up again Jordan you want to make the bottles so they can eat and then we will bath them so we can go look for daycares then go to the cafe," I said as I quickly went to the babies.

"Aww, their so cute," Thaila said,

"um we see that you guys kinda have your hands full right now we will talk to you guys later," Luca said

, "yeah you guys are caring for four kids so we'll see yall later." Mason said

, "you guys can stay if want they re just hungry." I said

, "we will talk to guys tomorrow at school." Thaila said

"okay." Jordan and I said

we feed the babies as we watched cole ate his breakfast once the babies were done I burp Taylor and Owen when Jordan burp Skylar. once the babies burp Jordan and I put them back in their cot's and we finished breakfast and then Jordan cleaned the table while we let cole watch some cartoons while we get the triplest ready. once all the kids were dressed I went to go shower once I was done I got dressed and went to let Jordan get ready.

we had got cole dressed in some black sweatpants and whie t-shirt and some black and white sneakers, and we got the triplets dressed in the same thing but the girls have white sweatpants and black tops and Owen has the same thing as cole, while I'm matching with the girls. I wasn't sure if Jordan was going to match the boys until he walked out in the exact same thing as them.

"we look good." I said with a smile on my face

"yes, we do." Jordan said while checking me out and he starts to lean in for a kiss

"um not in front of the kids, not when we don't even know what this is." I said to him while my hand was pressed against his chest.

"Okay that's fair," he said

"yeah, okay let's go find a daycare and let's go check n with the cafe," I said we had put the triplets in their car seat and put the stroller in the truck of Jordan car since he has the bigger car.once all the kids were buckled in we were off to the cafe.

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