15. Powers, Oreos, and a War

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Back at Scorpio, Pisces and Aries's dorm room.

"I'm happy I have powers! It's pretty cool!" Aries raves to all her friends. "I now know how you felt Scorpio!"

"Heh, ya me too." Virgo perks up. The way how he got his powers is reserved for a other time. But it's cool to know he can talk to plants! He's also one of the teams healers.

"Ya it's cool I can shoot Sagittarius with fire when he gets annoying!" Aries perks up as Sagittarius slowly backs away from her and takes Oreos from
their kitchen.

"YEAH! I can't finally wait until I get my powers!" Capricorn says holding Gemini's hand.

"GASP!" Libra fakes gasps.

"What?" Everybody else asks him. "You guys need to go on DATES!" Libra yells.

"OMG! YA! Gemini and Capricorn! And Scorpio and Cancer! EEEE!!!" Pisces Squeals shaking Virgo.

"Back off Pisces." Virgo says coldly. "oof." Pisces backs off of Virgo and starts squealing once again.

"I'm up for it." Gemini says sliding over to Capricorn. "Sweet!" Scorpio says happy winking at Cancer. "WAIT!" Cancer yells.

"What?" Everybody else asks. "Aqua I have to un-ask you to the dance." Cancer says holding Scorpio's hand.

If you didn't know. Cancer decided to Ask Aquarius out, ON PURPOSE. He wanted to see if Virgo liked her. And he was wrong. He's looking for somebody else now. Hopefully, he finds Virgo a date soon.

He didn't want his friend to be lonely. And maybe he'll lighten up if he got a Boyfriend or Girlfriend. Virgo is also bisexual. But is leaning more towards girls.

"Ohh right. Meh I don't care." Aquarius shrugs and goes back on 'SpaceChat'.

"La la la la la." Pisces sings. "There going on a date do do do going on a date do do do!"

"Shut up." Virgo rolls his eyes playfully and smirks at Pisces. Pisces sticks her tongue out at Virgo, then starts chasing him around. Then Aries joins. And Sagittarius does too. Then it was an all out war.

Everybody was throwing pillows and even Gemini was trying to sneak some Oreos. But who wouldn't.

"Guys Okay we really need to get to bed." Aries says heading towards the door.

"Ya your right." Capricorn walks out the door. All the fires besides Aries walks out.

Then Virgo glares at Pisces playfully and heads our. Aquarius skips out and pushes Cancer out the door on her way.

And just like that all the zodiacs were gone and sleeping.


[Words: 215]

Shine Bright!! 💫

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