16. Oh Orion

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(Dang it's been a while)

"Morning Leo." I hear Sagittarius jump on my bed. I grunt burying my face in my pillow.

"I love your hair." He complaints me. I grunt twice burying my face into my pillow even more.

"Come on it's the weekend! It's Saturday! You love Saturdays!" He reminds me of my favorite day of the week.

"Okay fine, what's bothering you Leo." He asks me looking concerned. I lift my face up from my pillow.

"I'm worried that Taurus likes Pisces." I mutter, still laying down I turn the other way, facing away from Sagittarius.

"Well actually..." Sagittarius says in a high pitched tone. "I think he's planning on asking her out." He says sheepishly rubbing his neck with his hand.

I groan into my pillow. "And I think it's good that your getting away from him." He says smiling like a dork on a date.

"Ya that's my point." I say kinda roasting him. "Well dang." He says hurt.

"But anyway I might as well get ready." I sigh and try to get out of bed, but a tight grasp wraps around my wrist.

"OW! THE FREAK!" I scream in pain looking at Sagittarius with wide scared eyes.

"Sorry, but we can chill today." He faintly smiles as I flop back on the bed, with my blue hair all over the place.

"Okay so what do you wanna do." I ask looking at my phone.

"I think it's time that we have a fire sign chill day." He winks at me.

"Umm no." I shake my hair making it follow me.

"Why not just us two." He still had the tight grip on my wrist.

"Fine it's not like I have anything better to do besides sulking over, Taurus and Pisces."

"Ha." Sagittarius chuckles as he gets up, letting go of the tight grip which was starting to be a bit red.

"Meet me at the swimming pool with a swimming suit, that's our first stop of the day." He winks once again before heading out the door and walking into the girls dorm hallway.

I smile seeing him walk off.
I feel a heat creep on to my face as.
I run to my bathroom mirror. I saw I didn't have a fever. It was me... BLUSHING!

NO NO NOOP! I can't like Sagittarius he's so cute and ANNOYING, but kind, BUT A IDOIT!

Sagittarius Part

"Sup dude." I hear Virgo greet me. "What are you doing." I ask.

"Uhh nothing." He says as he covers up a paper with a heart on it. I smile evilly.

Virgo doesn't do love. How do I know that. Because I've been living with him for 2 weeks and a half.

"Lemme see!!" I run up to him as I see a name on the paper. I fall in shock. I didn't think he would like...

Dear Pisces, I hope you take this letter and I hope you say yes.~ Unknown.

"DUDE!" Virgo yelled at me. "This is for Taurus! I was just making some grammar corrections on it!" He says.

"Yea right. You like Pisces! But is scared that she doesn't like you back BECAUSE of the Taurus thing."

"No he plans to ask her out today. So peace dude. I gotta drop this off the Taurus." Virgo walks off and chuckles to himself.


[Words: 560]

Shine Bright!! 💫

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