19. I'll see you again..!

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I sighed waking up, with Sagittarius burst though my door. I may have a headache later today.

"GRADUATION DAY!" He yells flying up.

"UGH! SAGITTARIUS!" I scream at him. Why was he even in my room!

"We finally become the protectors of the Galaxy!" He bounces with joy. I roll my eyes and hug him.

"Please stop being so hyper." I beg him. It was like he was never on a cooldown.

"Fine. But I'm going to see what they have set up already." He says breaking the hug, as he dashed out my room.

I sigh in disappointment.

I wanted to walk across the stage, but something was coming.

I felt something coming.

Something big.

- time skip to Graduation -
(I'm so freaking lazy ;-;)

First Person.

As all the Zodiacs walk across the stage. Happily saying their speeches. Holding hands. Seeing their families and friends, and foes.

You could tell that they had the right attitude to become the next Zodiacs.

"I may send the next protectors of the Galaxy-." Universe got stopped in mid-sentence.

"Hello~ Brother!" Ophiuchus says evily.

Ophiuchus attacks Universe with a lighting bolt. As he blocks the shot. Then he goes after the Zodiacs.
Universe knocks him down with a few guards and stars from the sky.

"Okay guys, that should buy us some time to get everybody out of here." Aries says looking at the twitching Ophiuchus on the ground.

Then looking as determined as always.

"Virgo, Cancer, Taurus and Gemini. Since your powers are mainly healing, don't forget to help anybody in need, but for now, get everything, out of here." Aries orders as they nod and rush to the people.

Virgo, Cancer, Taurus and Gemini people everybody run away. As the rest of the Zodiacs fight.

Pisces flies over to Ophiuchus with her wings, stomping on him. With water, of course. But sadly the water wakes him up. As he wakes up, and flings Pisces from his arm back to the stage. And that was a pretty far throw from where they were.

Capricorn makes a tree, "Leo and Aries and Sagittarius. You guys can You the tree to walk over to Ophiuchus, and start hitting him." Capricorn plan does kinda work. But they're ten feet up.

- Up at the tree -

"I hate this!" Leo whines. "Oh Leo come on! We're saving the-." Sagittarius states.

Ophiuchus on the other hand, throws snakes at Leo, making her fall down the tree, but thank god Virgo catches her.

Aries knowing that he's too strong.

"Sagittarius, I have a plan, but in order for it to work, I'm going to need to get out this tree." Aries states looking at Sagittarius, scared but determined.

"If the Zodiacs combine their powers. And can knock Ophiuchus out of space!" Aries says her plan to Sagittarius as they slide down the tree.

Aries and Sagittarius get the plan out to all the Zodiacs.

"We can do it!" They all yell.

"WE ARE THE ZODIACS!! WITH THE POWER OF THE GALAXY, WE SHALL BAN OPHIUCHUS!" They all chanted, making Ophiuchus fling out of space.

"Great work team." Aries smiles. "We all did great!" Gemini and her twin bounce up and down. "I guess we are ready!" Scorpio pumps her fists.

"I love you guys. You'll the best team I could ever ask for." Virgo hugs everybody, but they get into a group hug.

Knowing that their friendship would last a life time.

- eight years later in a house -

"And that kids, is how I became the second generation of Zodiacs." Gemini smiles at her kids.

- the end -

This was the one of the longest and popular book I ever wrote.

I wanted to thank you all for sticking with me for so long. :)
I was planning on making a dare book, but it didn't really work out...

So thank you to all my readers, my voters, and commenters! I hope if you ever write a book. It turns out good!

Shine Bright!! 💫

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