Chapter I

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New home.
New beginning.

Tweek Tweak, is a 16 year old boy with a light blond hair and dark brown with hint of green eyes. He is short, approximately around 160 cm to 163 cm. A lot of people call him "twitchy", because of his twitching and constant screaming that always happen by the most simplest things.

He now, unfortunately, have to move to a different town, due to the bullying from his old school. He hoped that he can find some people that wants to be friends with him. He feels happy that he has parents that cares for him and would do anything to protect their son.

He looked out to the window, looking far out, and he can already see houses from the distance. He hoped he can have friends in this new place he'll be staying at.

"This place is wonderful!" His mom said, complimenting the view ahead, the lonely mountain town of Colorado, South Park.

"This is gonna be a fresh start for us, I hope you'll love this place as much as we do, son" his father said, and all his son can do is nod.

I hope so, dad.
I hope so...

Tweek POV

After we finally made it to our new home, we pack our stuff from the trunk and went into our new home. The place looks... normal. It already have furniture here, which is nice. The place is usual, but it looks comfy here. The living room area is nice, same for the kitchen too. As i heading upstairs, there are three doors. One far ahead, one on the left and one on the right.

"M-mom?" I called, "yes honey?" She replied.
"W-which one will be m-my room?" I ask, "Your new room will be the one on the right, dear" she said, and I walk slowly and stand in front of the door.

I open it, and sees the room already furnished with a desk table for study, a bed nicely tucked in, a wardrobe, a trashcan, and etc etc. All in all, its not too big, but comfy.

I put my bag on the floor and hop on the bed, laying there, exhausted from the long hours of journey to get here. I let out a sigh, and got up again and look out towards the window, that is near my desk. I look through the window, and sees a boy, at around 18 maybe, he wore a blue chullo hat with a yellow puff ball and a blue jacket, walking all by himself near his house. I feel something inside of me, as if I feel something fluttery on my stomach, but maybe thats just I'm kinda hungry from the journey here.

Before i go back downstairs, i check on the person again, then goes to my parents.

"Dear, could you go and get the suitcases on the trunk?" My mother ask, "O-okay mom" I replied as I go back outside. I open the trunk and grab both of the suitcases, but failed miserable that it falls.

I let out a gasp, hoping my parents didn't hear. I tried to pick the suitcases, but it is quite heavy.

I am hopeless! Gah!

Then, out of nowhere, someone came from behind me, and his hands were reaching for the suitcases. "GAH! D-DON'T STEAL THEM!" I look behind me and sees him.

He put up a confused look, while I'm being all jittery and twitchy.

"You need help?"
I felt nervous and anxious.

Will this guy steal my stuff?
Will this guy kidnap my parents?!
GAH! W-will this guy kidnap me and make me become his slave?!


"God, you're so weird. Here, let me help" before I could stop him, he grab both of the suitcases.

He walk inside and I quickly followed. I saw him put both of the suitcases, and my parents sees him. "Oh my, young man, whats your name?" My mother ask, feeling grateful for him to help me carry the suitcases.


"Tucker, ma'am."
"Nice to meet you, Tucker. I'm happy to see kind young man like you" she smiled, "Want to stay and have dinner with us?"

"You don't have too, ma'am. I'll take my leave, have a nice day miss" before he left, he eyed me for a bit, sending me shivers before left the place.

"Have you lock the car, dear?"

When she said that, I quickly went outside. I saw him again, with the keys. He lock the car doors then throws the keys at me, which hits my head.

"Don't lose your keys next time, kid."

"O-okay! T-Thank you once again!"

Whoever he is, he seems kind.

After I have my dinner, I went to the kitchen sink to wash my plate and clean my hands. After that, I'm heading upstairs to my new room.

I close my door and lock it, and quickly lay on my bed, thinking about what surprises will be given to me tomorrow...

I hope i could meet that guy again...
And hope we could be friends...


This is the first part of my newest Creek FanFiction!
I hope you enjoy the first part~! UwU

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