Chapter X

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Tweek POV

As usual to the custom, I worked at my father's coffee shop after school. Well, not really, because I have to shower first, then eat a little, then coffee, coffee, coffee and then come here. I wore my normal everyday clothing, a brown long pants and a green shirt, buttoned up messily which at the point there I don't really care anymore.

The place seemed kinda quiet today, there we're only a handful of customers, now it started raining and since I have nothing left to do, I decided to play a game called South Park: Phone Destroyer.

While I was playing the game and gotten really into it, I heard the front door opened and I quickly turn my phone off and greet to the person who came inside, "W-Welcome to Tweak's co-" before I finish my words, I realized that there is no one there. Then, I heard a noise, and it's not from the front door, but from the back door. I felt my anxiety sky rocketed and start to twitching a lot, and I quickly grab something from my counter. A scissors, I thought, Good enough.

I quickly went to the back room, to see that the place was dark as hell! I tried to turn on the light, but I know it will alert whoever is in here. It can't be my dad, since he left about an hour ago. Maybe he come to help me? I doubt it, when he's at home, he will be there and rest, or maybe play with fidget spinners. I crouched and move in silently as possible, and then to my left, I see a shadow, well I can't really see it, it's because it's dark. "W-Who goes there?!" I called, and I wished I didn't. The shadow looked back at me, and start to standing up. "I-I warn you! D-Don't you come any closer!" When the shadow moved, I can see what he was doing earlier, and my throat went dry. I-Is that a human corpse?!, I thought and then he start walking faster then lunge at me, and pin me to the floor. "A-ARGH! G-GET OFF OF ME YOU M-MONSTER!" I screamed, hopefully someone will hear me. However, it does nothing...

The grip tighten, "Shut up you asshole! I'm not here to hurt you!" The shadow man said, which I shook off because its a lie, obviously! "G-Get off of me!" I yelled at the shadow, and then my head start to went somewhere, and I felt something hurting my stomach. I-is that corpse... C-Craig?!


As the grip tighten much more and he tried to take my scissors away, I quickly use it to stab him in his stomach area. He let out a pained voice, "D-Dude! W-What the fu-" before he could continue, I pin him and then stab him in his shoulder area, and he let out a scream of pain. The man seemed slowing and finally, his hands stopped tightening in my arms and he felt limp. I got up, and then quickly finding the light switch to see who the freak is this monster.

When the lights are on, my muscles tighten, the room felt smaller and smaller every second. My eyes now staring not a monster, or anyone who tried to do harm.

It's him...


When the words out from my lips, I expected that he might respond to me, and hoping that this isn't some sick joke. However, his lips stayed still...

In fact, he doesn't move at all. He laid there, like some sort of a victim from a murder scene. I let out a scream and run to him and put my arms around him, "C-CRAIG?! C-CRAIG! P-PLEASE, O-OH GOD! OH JESUS! P-PLEASE CRAIG, W-WAKE UP!" I called his name, yet he stayed still. Like an angel rest in peace, N-No! P-please stay with me!. My tears start to fallen down from my eyes and it's getting hard for me to see, and I immediately look at the wounds. I inflict these wounds... I thought, both his shoulder area and stomach, letting out blood, thought not really quick, but little by little his skin looked paler.

I quickly got up and trying to find a first aid kit. I found it and then went back and took of his sweater and his shirt. I look at them, horrified and scared. I quickly wash my hands with water and then splash some alcohol on his wounds. He hissed in pain, he is still alive, which I felt thankful for, however the guilt, remain in my heart. After washing his pain with a bit of the alcohol, I grab bandages and tried my best to cover his wounds, both in his stomach area and his shoulder.

Once I finished, I cover him up with his sweater and hug him tight.

The wounds aren't gushing out blood anymore, which is good. I check his pulse, and I let out a sigh of relief. He's gonna be okay... Don't leave me.

I quickly went out to find a blanket on one of the closets and cover him up, so he won't feel cold. I kiss his forehead, and hold his hand tight.

I heard a bell from the front door, and that means it's customers. I wish I can get them out of here, but I can't. "I-I'll see you in a second, a-alright Craig?" I kiss his forehead once again, and went to the front desk.

I sigh and breathe in deeply, and stepped out of the back room.

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