Chapter V

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The next few days have been a blur, and Craig is having a hard time with his homework. He sigh in defeat as he threw his pencil on his work table, exhausted and stressed. 'I hate homework...' He thought, as he look out to his bedroom window, seeing the darkened skies of Colorado. The stars and the dark skies comfort him from any kind of stress he has. But not only the skies he look at, but the house front of him. Though most of the lights in the place are off, but he can see a faint source of light coming from upstairs, and he already knew who it is.

He decided to call Tweek , despite the late hour.

Tweek POV

"F-Finally!" I said, laying back in my chair, feeling happy that all of my homeworks finished! Now is just go to bed and-
"GAH!" I screamed, and then closes my lips quickly because I realize that my parents are asleep and if I woke them up, they might torture me! I look around to find that it was the sound of my phone, vibrating on my bedside table. I look at it, wondering who the heck calling me this late. I pick it up, and my eyes widen. 'C-Craig?', I answer the call and holdthe phone next to my ear.

"Hey Tweek"
"H-Hey! W-What makes you call me a-at this time of night?"
There was a slight pause on the line, making me anxious.
Finally Craig spoke, "I want to come over to your house."
I feels my heart flutter, and my stomach hurt, in a good way.
"S-Sure Craig, you can come over o-on the weekends if m-my pa-"
"I mean now"
The words seem to ponder at my head for a second, and when it finally came, I don't know what to say!
"U-um.... I-I don't know Craig, I-If my parents know t-they might k-kick you out"
"I need to, its urgent. Please?"
I start to have second thought, having a sleepover sounds fun, but he doesn't get it.

A guy and a guy in a sleepover? I usually have Token and Clyde to join me, but me and Craig? My heart start to beat wildly, hoping Craig doesn't hear it. He made up his decision.
"S-sure, i'll wait downstairs, b-but don't take too long, o-okay?"
"Thanks Tweek. I'll see you in a bit, okay? Bye."

The line went dead.

I don't know what to do, he committed to do this. I guess two guys on a sleepover sounds nice too, right?

I guess I should start and be ready downstairs, he can come at any moment.

Meanwhile, while Craig is preparing his things for a sleepover at Tweek's house, he took a moment of reflection in the bathroom, his heart beating wild and he feel butterflies in his stomach that doesn't go away.

He look at his own face, the color of red isn't going away.
'Why you're such a cute guy, Tweek...'

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